Saturday, December 11, 2010

yes, I'm a bow snob

Some people are wine snobs, not me, I'll drink pretty much any wine although, I prefer some over others but it has to taste like vinegar for me not to enjoy a glass of wine. Hanging a bow on my mailbox, now that is a different story. I'm a bow snob. I've always loved ribbons and bows ever since forever. When I was a student at St. Thomas in Peoria Heights, IL, I would love walking home from school and popping in the Ben Franklin just to buy some ribbon. I loved the ribbons with lots of stripey colors, grosgrain was my favorite at least in the preppy '80s. I would purchase yards and yards of it. I still love ribbon, I love the silk ribbon that has lots of body and you can have a bow that holds it's shape. I love the ribbon with loopy trim, I love big fat ribbon that make really amazing bows. So, at christmastime, I love looking at people's decorations outside and seeing how they've decorated. One subdivision that I am constantly traveling through to get to the middle school always wins with the best bows! Right now, the hot bow making material is the colored net. It makes really fun big fat bows that say, Yes! it is Christmas. It comes in a million colors and it is pretty cheap to buy. So what I'm basically saying is sticking a bow made of plastic on your mailbox just doesn't cut it. I'm just not sure how someone can actually look at that and think, "oh yes, that will be so beautiful on my mailbox." I know its trivial and kind of dumb but I can't help it. I will take my boones farm pinot noir and shop for the best bows out there! ;p

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