Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Artsy Fartsy

I suppose she comes by it honestly as my friend, Vonnie would say. There is a long lineage of artists and creative type people in my family. Both sides, the Metz's and the Williams' are represented there. Grandpa Maury loved to write, Grandpa Williams was a master carver, his sisters were painters, Aunt Sue painted and created lots of fun things, My mom, sewed and still loves creating she's even been known to write a poem or two and she's even thought about a book! Jayne makes beautiful jewelry and Karyn has a keen eye for photography. I love to paint and shape and mold and sew. Kate has always loved sewing. When she was 7 years old, she'd retreat to her room to sew. And she always wanted to sew by hand! The world will a beautiful place when she is out working in it making her own mark creatively! I can't wait to see it be a part of it!

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