Wednesday, December 8, 2010

and sometimes the tree falls

Last night, I put started decorating our family tree. The real tree the boys and Rick picked out on Sunday. This is the tree that holds all the kids ornaments, ornamnents that have been given to them or they've made or picked out. It's a fun hodge podge tree. Well, today, I came home from work and the tree had fallen over. Kate was home when it happened and she tried cleaning up the ornaments. Most of the ornaments were Joe's b/c he helped decorate last night. Thankfully, the ones that broke were not special. I couldn't get the tree to stand up so I dragged that sucker outside and put it on the back porch. Maybe Rick can help me tomorrow to get it back up in working order.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

oh my goodness what an ordeal, but thankfully everything is okay!