Sunday, December 26, 2010

about as simple as it gets.... or does it? ha

This is the question I get asked all the time in regard to eating clean. So many times people get so caught up in this diet or that diet. Or the whole high protein low carb thing. Or the counting points or calories thing.

I think sometimes we can makes eating overly complicated. So here's a simple rule to follow when you ever find yourself asking; "What should I eat?"

Eat only foods that had a mother or that came from nature.

That's it. That's all you need to know. If you folow the above rule then you'll automatically be eating clean.

So, I totally get that... That is easy. But when you start making recipes and casseroles and snacks and desserts, it seems to get a little more tricky. I guess, being smart about adding ingredients to things is the key.

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