Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Making our way

It's Wednesday and I feel like I'm making some progress with everything that is going on this week. I wrapped a couple of presents last night, one was a bit of a challenge and I was thinking while wrapping it that I'm so glad I do yoga! Geepers. I was sweating when I was done. It doesn't even look that great but I really don't care at this point. I still have several things to buy for Joe's Christmas party tomorrow. I will breathe easier when that is over. It won't be hard or anything just something that is sort of hanging over my head. Today is the last day of play school for 2010. It is freezing rain this morning sooooo maybe we won't have it. I am still working on getting all the pottery the kids painted glazed and fired. The last batch is in the kiln. They all look soooo great! I love showing them their finished pieces.

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