Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm a waterer. I love watering my flowers, I will water my flowers even if its supposed to rain. There is something satisfying and therapeutic about watering them and esp. adding miracle grow. I've been told that I'm a nurturer and nurturers doodle circles which I've done since I was young. When the kids were babies each time I fed them, I'd think about the food and how it will help them grow and make them big and strong. I still think that when they sit down to a fabulous plate of fruit or a super healthy dinner and when they sit down to a huge bowl of ice cream I think yikes! lol. Hoover had graduation last night. Kate is officially a senior. I hope I've nurtured her in a positive way to help her find her way in the world after next year. She is so excited to be a senior. I feel like she was just graduating 8th grade. Seeing Jack get ready for high school is fun too. I know this summer will be a big summer for him.

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