Wednesday, September 24, 2008

HI! Let's see. We had another busy day yesterday. My two's were great! Love them. I came home and fired some orders, worked around the house, took Kate tanning, shopped some more. Ugh! I think I'm done buying things for the house. My best baby buddy gave me two really fun old windows. I painted one for Halloween/fall. Kate had slight melt down yesterday afternoon. She was freaking out about everything being orange and black for homecoming. I reminded her that homecoming is about her school and football and such. She wants to order a cake but she doesn't want it orange and black. I mean, really I don't think a pink floral cake is appropriate for a hooover homecoming party. She did snap out of her freaky mood not long after it started thank god! On our way home from the store last night, Kate dropped off a fun filled bag of goodies on her date's front porch. She called him as we were driving down the street and told him to look on his porch. Haha, he was excited to get a fun present. She wrote on a card that she is excited for homecoming and good luck in the game! Too cute. We never did anything fun like that in highschool. I didn't forget to order Ryan's flower yesterday. Its just white but they only had four colors to choose from. His mom called and told me about Kate's corsage and it sounds sooo pretty. Funnnn!!


Cathy said...

I love the picture, come up here and paint mine!

Valerie said...

I luv, luv, luv the window! You can paint one of those for me anytime! Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Valentine's day. you know I love all the holidays!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Cool window, you rock!!! I did a window like that but not with paint. I cleaned it off and distressed it, then put black and white photos of my girls in each cool!!!!!