Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Another busy day to tackle! It is so pretty outside. Funny thing, once we put the new air unit in, the weather broke and now it's nice and cool. It is really starting to feel like fall here. I had a great day with the babies yesterday. They are precious and so fun. I have to say, that I love being there, snuggling them and once the mommies come, I'm happy to hand them back and go home. We did lots of shopping last night for last min. homecoming things. We saw lots of girls at the mall buying nerdy glasses for nerd day, shoes and jewelry for homecoming. We got home around 8:30pm and I swear, it felt like midnight. I did get the orange lights on the front porch rails and I put the fairy (icicle) lights on the sun porch. Little by little, it is all coming together. Kate woke up this morning not feeling good. Ugh! I hope it isn't strep again. I guess if it is, she'll get the shot and then meds. WHY???? Jack doesn't have a game tonight which is so nice, it is on Sat. Joe has practice but Rick is here so he can take him. I still have to order Ryan's flower! Ugh! I keep forgetting.


Valerie said...

Strep must be going around. Margaret had it and passed it on to Ella & Greg.
T took my orange lights to school to decorate her homeroom door. What in the world? We had a pair of 3-d glasses from when we saw Chicken Little so T punched the lenses out of them and put duct tape on them. She also borrowed KJ's supergirl cape and is planning to be a SUPER nerd. Tomorrow I think she's planning to go Penn State. My brother told her she'll be the only kid in her school not representing an SEC school. You know T. She's always got to be different.

Valerie said...
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monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Oh I hope she feels better soon!!! Maybe just a little flair and not full strep....B wasn't feeling great tonight either....crap!!!!! Miss ya!!!