Monday, September 8, 2008

HI everyone!

its been sooo long since i've posted anything on here. i'm a little spoiled with facebook now but i still want to write on this blog. the weekend was great. no drama! whoo hoo. we went to the hoover game friday night. hoover fans rock. we totally filled the visitor section of the stadium. it was hot and humid and sort of sprinkly at the end but it was fun to see people and to see the bucs win. saturday, we went to tuscaloosa to tailgate with friends. how fun! it was awesome. we are going over to hang out with them before every home game. their tent is right by the side walk in or on, the quad. it was fun to watch the students walk over to the stadium. we left about an hour before the game started so we could get home and order pizzas and watch it with our friends up the street. sunday, was busy. kate and i went shopping for a new homecoming dress. we found one, it is adorable. we returned the other one. the boys had football so i ran kate home, and ran back to get joe from practice. the house is a mess but oh well. we had a fun weekend. vonnie and i had two babies today. one of our babies is out of town so we just had two. they are so sweet. we did decorate our bulletine board for fall which was fun. tonight jack has football. thats about it. crazy crazy!

how about the mccain/palin ticket? love it!


monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

I mean OMG for real your blog has been so sad ;(!!! JK.....Glad you had a great weekend, you and Val are making me yern for some tailgating at UA!!!!!!! ROOOOLLLL TIDE!!!!!! Ta!

Valerie said...

I was having a hard time getting cell phone coverage on/in the stadium. I got your text asking where we were and had a hard time texting you back. I'm sure we probably walked past you 10 times and didn't even realize it!! I would definately go again; we had such a good time!