Wednesday, September 17, 2008


1) love our new air conditioner, hate the cost of it!
2)love my baby's and two's at POP!!
3)love zero drama at my house. ahhh! fabulous.
4)love my boys playing football, hate high gas prices b/c their fields aren't close
5)love alabama football
6)love hoover bucs football
7)love fall weather, hate allergies
8)love the beach, need to go there soon,preferably w/o a hurricane
9)love my family, hate that they aren't visiting me :(
10)love all my friends too.


Valerie said...

so glad your a/c's fixed!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Ahhh air! Isn't it nice!!! I hope it is so cold in your house you sleep in a sweater! We love you too!!!!!