Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday Morning

I'm getting ready to take kate and joe to vbs. Sun is out and our neighobrs across the street are going to have a huge fine on their water bill b/c their sprinklers are still on and running every morning. They've since moved back to MI and their house is on the market. Their realtor should really turn off the sprinklers. If they go over a certain number of gallons, there is a 400% penalty on their bill.

Anyway, we are not watering and soon, our grass will look like crap.:( After Kate's cell bill, we can't afford a 400% penalty.

I'm going to get my coffee and then head up to church. by the way dad, before we get to the beach, let's just get this straight. is it 2 scoops of coffee to 8 cups of water? =)

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