Monday, February 6, 2012

So Thankful

Be conscious of your gratitude more often.

Look for little ways you can do it. I'm looking down at my shoe right now and I'm grateful for the shoelace. If I can do it like that, I bet wherever you're sitting or listening or watching, you can also do some gratitude.

- John Morton

Sometimes I really get overwhelmed at everything I've been given. Seriously, I do. First of all, to be born an American is absolutely hands down one of the greatest gifts God has given me. I had no choice in it. It just happened. Thank you God! Sometimes I wonder what God wants me to do with this great gift. I know  people around the world aren't as blessed as I am as an American living in this awesome country. How can I do something that will help someone else living in a less desirable country? Something to pray about for sure. I'm so thankful for my fabulous family. I mean, really, all families are crazy and silly and have issues in their tissues but mine is pretty great and even though we all have different personalities I think we do pretty well together. I have a fantastic husband who still looks at me after 21 years and says, "you are beautiful" ahh, that is definitely something to be thankful for because I do not always see that when I look in the mirror. I'm thankful that he puts up with my terribly expensive high maintenance work out life. I know it's a lot but I always tell him its better than massage therapy and chiropractors and diet doctors. I'm thankful for all of my children. All of them beginning with Lauren. Seriously, if someone is doubting God, bring them to me and I will tell them my story, mine and Lauren's story. The whole story is God! Without Lauren, I wouldn't have Kate, Jack and Joe who are no doubt fabulous and I love being their mom! I'm not a terribly sentimental person, well, wait, I'm the one who will keep important things, like pictures and Christening gowns and things like that but I do not like to go back and talk about the past. I really don't like looking at old pictures, they just make me sad for some reason. I can't explain it. Something about time and how it just goes on. I'm probably weird that way. I"m thankful for all my friends, friends from St. Thomas, from high school from Indy, from Peoria, from Alabama. Friends I've met on Twitter and I have never met in real life. I'm thankful for all of them. I'm thankful for everything this morning! Just plain and simple Thankful!

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