Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Favorites, totally stolen from Copacetic in Carolina

Because, I have lost all of my own creativity these days which I think happens to artsy people from time to time, I'm stealing the Friday favorite idea from a pinterest, twitter friend! The thought of thinking of something on my own right now is daunting. I don't want to go in my office, I don't want to paint one thing, I just want to buy things and have people make things for me. I'm sure my love for all things artsy will stir in me again at some point but for now, I'm thankful for others who have come up with fabulous ideas! So, here are some of my favorite things this week. We've had a bit of spring fever in central Alabama and we are going to the beach in 3 weeks so I've added some fun springy/summery pics. Maybe these will stir some creative juices in you. I hope so! Then you can make something for me. :)


Anonymous said...

I think everybody goes through a creative drought once in a while. We drain ourselves then must wait to find inspiration and get filled again. And there's some fun in that process too - the hunt for new inspiration! :)

I love your favorites! The Peanuts pic (haha) is hysterical and I want those cute sandals!!

Hope you have a terrific weekend, friend! And thank you for the link :)

Cathy said...

the beach and the water always inspire me to do new things. love all of your new posts!