Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How Cool is that? Juvederm and Pottery!

Let's see. Its been awhile since I last posted. I have some exciting things to write about which is crazy because I never have anything exciting to write about! Last Thursday I tagged along with a friend to a dermatology open house. The dermatologist is adorable and she has her practice set up in the right spot of Birmingham for sure! She is located by Homewood and Mt. Brook. Two spots with lots of cash to spend on facial treatments. Denise and I drove from Hoover, not really a hot spot for moms over flowing with extra cash for some juvederm. I mean, we do fine here in Hoover but facial treatments are a luxury. I've never actually had one but I was curious so I thought what the heck, I'll go. The Dr. talked about filler for low spots, laser treatment for scars, hair removal, cool sculpt which scared me. The idea is great. It is noninvasive and it gets rid of fat pockets in a certain area. I'd probably be a good candidate for it as I'm not over weight but I do have a trouble spot on my thighs. The only down side to that procedure is if a person gains weight, they're gonna gain it somewhere else. they'll never gain it in the treated spot again but it'll go somewhere else. Umm, no thanks. I'm used to my trouble area, I do not need a new one to deal with. Of course, she talked about botox and chemical peels and such. If I could pick one treatment to get it would be the juvederm. I can see places on my face that need filling. It just gives back that youthful look. It was fun, we didn't win any door prizes, there were a ton of women there. Lots of women older than me and Denise. They had wine and food. Denise wanted the latisse and it was buy one get one if you attended the open house. So she got her lash stuff and we left with a handful of pamphlets. Between Bikram yoga, Bootcamp, the Aveda salon I love to have my gray covered and wanting juvaderm once a year, I'm becoming quite a high maintenance non celebrity mom! Anyway, maybe for my birthday, Rick will purchase me some filler until then, its just me and my regular old face.

Now on to something super exciting. I've been posting about my bible study. I'm enjoying Beth Moore's,James. What is really cool about the bible study is the ministry that we are working with. It is called The-Well House. It is a safe haven for women who've escaped human trafficking. Honestly, I had never thought about human trafficking especially here in central Alabama but it is real. We are helping with the household supplies for a year at the well house. I was trying to think about what I could do personally that would benefit these girls. They arrive to the house with nothing. Everything is donated, clothing, kitchen supplies, everything. I got to thinking, painting is so therapeutic and fun and if the girls painted a dinner place setting, that is something that is their very own and they can take it with them when they leave the house. So, I emailed the director of bible study and she emailed the well house directors and everyone is excited to paint some pottery! I never imagined  6 years ago when I bought my kiln that it would  lead me in this direction but I'm so happy it has. I love that I can donate my time and talent and my  knowledge of ceramic painting to these ladies. How cool is that?


Anonymous said...

Oh I love Beth Moore! I'm doing her Believing God Day by Day devotional this year.

That's an amazing thing you're doing to love on some women who desperately need it. What better way to show love than by sharing your passion & talent. May you all be blessed together as you create and may these women know that Jesus loves them & has a wonderful plan for their lives!

Cathy said...

That's is so wonderful! I am so happy for you!

Cathy said...

Remeber our special verse from Hebrews!

Unknown said...

Ally, I will have to take a peek at Beth's book!! I love her too. She is so great and makes studying the different books so easy. I'm very excited to be a part of this ministry.

Mom, yes. I do remember our verse. It's my favorite! Hebrews 13:2