Friday, February 3, 2012

Lucky Girls

Naturally skinny girls are lucky. The ones who have to work hard at being skinny are strong. Some days,  I sure wish I was the lucky one but nope, I am not. I do know that when I'm old, I'll be happy that I'm the strong one! Exercise isn't always about losing weight and I think sometimes when we get past that thought, we can truly enjoy it. Not that it isn't hard, because, Lord knows that its hard! But, feeling your heart beating hard and fast and moving the plaque off the walls and running hills and feeling the bone and muscle pulling against each other, making each one stronger, that is what its really about. The calories burned and the weight loss that goes with that, are added bonuses! Today is Friday. My favorite day of the week! I've always enjoyed Friday as my free day. It used to be that I didn't even exercise on this day but now I do just because I want to. Fridays,are fun to go out and enjoy friends and food and indulge a little bit. Everyone needs a cheat day!

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