Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Her Choice at Christmas

This is one of my new ornaments I bought for "my" tree. Everything on this tree is white, silver, cream or sparkly. I decided to do this tree a couple of years ago as I've always loved having two trees and I love glittery ornaments but the kids ornaments were really taking up so much space on the family one. I also bought four silver ornaments each a little differet representing each of my chidlren. I have done that every years since Lauren came back into my life! So, I love my very own tree and I'm enjoying sitting in my chocolate room with my new antique sewing table and my newly painted white cabinet. Yay! My house is finally the way I want it. I love all the new paint and texture on the kitchen walls. I even looked up a tutorial on how to recover a chair. I've had my green chair for 14 years and I've always wanted to have it recovered but I just never did it. I looked at it closely and decided I can do this. I took all the pieces off of it after taking about a million upholstery staples. I saved the pieces to use as the pattern for the new fabric. I haven't decided what fabric to use. I'm excited though that I'm learning how to do this!

This morning Rick and I went to Prince of Peace and loaded up all the fun baby/chidlren items from breakfast with santa. We delivered them to Her Choice which is a counseling place for crisis pregnancies. It is a wonderful place that has been around since 2003. They deal with woman from all races, ages and socioeconomic back grounds. I would love to volunteer there, maybe I could make a difference in someone's life. That was me at one time and with support and prayer and guidance from caring people, everything worked out fine. The person who helped us get the items into the building asked Rick and I to pray as there was a woman at the center 14 weeks pregnant considering termination. We prayed as we left the parking lot. I want her to know that being pregnant isn't the end of the world for her. It is really a short time and there are so many people who would love to be the parents of her child if she chose adoption. That was my prayer for her. That she would feel that in her heart that she could carry her child to term.

Tonight, we are going to dinner with friends! Teresa came today and my house is so very clean. I just did my cheesy Biggest loser work out which is perfect for days like today. I didn't make it to spin this morning and I just didn't feel like running or doing the elliptical, so Bob Harper it was!

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