Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You know, it is nice to see somethings things are still the same, not everything is doom and gloom. The Chicago Cubs are rocking and rolling this fall and it's awesome to watch! Maybe they'll even be an all Chicago world series this year, can you even imagine what the city would be life if that happens. Living in the south, baseball usally takes a back seat once college football starts so I wasn't really hearing much about the MLB games. We are always so happy when the Cubs do well and represent Chicago even though I'm always very quick to tell people when they ask where I'm from, that I'm from Illinois but NOT CHICAGO! A lot of people think Chicago is Illinois and there are no other cities in the state. (totally annoying but i'm always there to inform them. ) Anyway, I'll have to make a Go Cubs! sign for the front yard!

On another note. Can I just tell you that I'm sooooooooooooooooooo over the liberal media? I mean, really? If I didn't know better, I'd think B.O. was the only one running for president. It makes me so mad that he gets sooo much press and Mccain is barely talked about. Ugh! It's like, McCain is in the back going, "wait, here I am , I have things to say too." as he is jumping up and down with his hand in the air.


Unknown said...

yea cubbies, we play the dodgers today at 5:30. yes i agree it is frustrating to watch the liberal press drool over barry. its not looking to good for john, but there is still time. i hope sarah kicks bidens butt tomorrow night.

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

OH....don't even get me started about the media they sicken me!!!! I may have to rant later on my blog about it. I LOVE baseball!!!! My family used to go see the barrons play at rickwood field, it was so fun. I do enjoy watching it on tv, and playing it as well. GO RED SOX!!!!!! See you in the A.M.