Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kids, Bikram, Football

Had a good weekend. Didn't do much really but I did get things done around the house. This was the first weekend I was able to just sort of hang out on Saturday. Boys were busy with friends, Rick was busy at the lease and Kate was at school. I had signed up for early morning yoga yesterday but I didn't make it. I didn't exercise at all. I did however make a caulflower pizza crust. It was very yummy but the boys were having none of it. It didn't have a very pizza crust type texture though but all the flavors went great together. I noticed a friend of mine has her very cute Hoover football wreath up and it made me think that I'm behind on that! Today, I made one for the front door and I will get a big mesh bow for the mail box this weekend. Kate did come home today and we did some more shopping. She is loving school so much and she has met a lot of people. Rush is coming up and she is nervous and ready to get on with it. I wish Jack would ask someone to homecoming. He is so shy and worried they'll say no or worse, they'll say yes and not really want to go with him. Joe's had a couple days off from football. He'll be back at it tomorrow.

I did make it to yoga this morning. I even skipped Jack's confirmation meeting to go. I needed to do something for me! Plus, I knew what they were going to say at the meeting and I can pick up the packet at the church. I love Stacy's classes on Sunday morning. She has a fun sense of humor and she is really a good instructor. All the people are good there and I love that they're each so different. My elbow was really hurting when I went in to class today. I have no idea why it hurts but sometimes random body parts just hurt. It's still sore but it seems to be a little better. My least favorite pose today was locust. it is just so hard. I usually think that if I make it through the locust series, I'm good to go! However the standing balancing series is very challenging as well. It's all challenging! Class was packed and there were a lot of good Bikram people in there today.

I made some new fun recipes I got off pinterest. I baked the eggs in the cupcake pan this morning. Turned out great. I did the berries, bananas and diet sprite after yoga, it was awesome. tasted like an icie! Love me some pinterest. Hoping this is a great week! We've made plans with friends to watch the Hoover game at Beefs on Friday. Just saw a tweet from the principal saying there might be some game issues with the hurricane looming. Hope not! We're ready for football around here!!

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