Sunday, January 6, 2013


Random Thoughts from the weekend
Can't stand pokey drivers
13 is not my favorite age for kids
I love having help with cleaning my house
There are at least 10 things I want to do to this house
and they are
keeping room, new decor in basement, new laundry room, new pantry, new carpet upstairs, new landscaping under the deck, new furniture. We've been here 10 years and it's high time we do it!
I love my juicer
cucumber, strawberry and lemon juiced together is my favorite so far
I've lost 2lbs since the new year. Thank God! I have jeans that don't fit.
I'm excited for Jack's golf season. I'm excited for Kate's semester and I'm excited for Joe's track season.
I wish Rick's company was paying out bonuses now b/c right now it's a lot....It will go down. Unfortunately...
I love my job!
I'm excited about participating in the Mercedes 5k superhero run!
I hate gray hair, I hate gray eyebrows even more!
I wish Rick would go to the gym with me!
I need to get back to Bikram, pronto!
I miss Lauren!
It's all random!

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