Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sun is out!


Well, the sun came out half way through the morning so we sort of switched things around a little bit and took the kids out later and had lunch at the very end. We really had to get out and it was chilly but tolerable. January is always tough but we're almost through it and tomorrow is Jack's birthday. Can't believe he is almost 11 years old. Wow, it seems like yesterday that he was so little. Our little glo worm. He was jaundice and he had to have the billy light wrapped around him. I was so sad about that. Rick took his picture and I told him that I would never look at it b/c I didn't want to remember him like that. :( Anyway, he has homework club til four so I guess I'll pick him up and then we'll go maybe to Sanpeggios for dinner b/c math night starts at five and then I have to get kate at 6 and maybe we can even get joe's spelling done while we're waiting on our pizza. I'm trying to multi task and get homework out of the way! rick text me earlier and said he is going to be home tonight b/c it is raining and he won't be able to hunt anyway. Good, we like it when he's home. That's about it. I'm going to make my spa apt. I need it!


monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Bailey was so jaundice too, they came to our house and had her lay on that light thing. All zipped up in that little body suit. It was very scary, she was so lathargic and they were talking about her levels being so high she may have brain damage....well she proved them wrong! She is a straight A student, well if you covert what their report cards say into the old fashion A B C scale....anyway I can remember being so scared! Glad you guys got out today, Ivy got over not seeing the rest of the movie, and by getting over it I mean no more screaming at me. However; she talks about it whenever she gets a chance! little stinker!!! See ya, have a great weekend!

Valerie said...

KJ was jaundice, too. She was in NICU for 3 days and I begged the neonatologist to let her come home w/ us. I actually grabbed Chris by the shirt and told him he "better tell that doctor I'm taking my baby home with me." Guess those crazy post-pregnancy hormones kicked in. Chris had to promise the doctor that he would bring her back to Brookwood at 7 AM for a light treatment. So, KJ spent 1 night at home, Chris let me sleep and he took his babygirl back up to the hospital. I also remember putting her in the infant car seat on the floor in the foyer so she'd get sunlight thru the glass front door. Isn't it funny the weird stuff we remember????