Saturday, January 5, 2008


Hi guys. Saturday is here and I'm so confused on my days as I'm still on Christmas break. Weird. I've enjoyed the past two days being home by myself, i've gotten a lot done around the house which is so great! Joe ended up getting a spend the night invite yesterday evening. He was so excited. Soo when I picked Kate and friends up from the movies, the girls had the house to themselves and from the sounds of the teenage laughter, I think they had fun. Rick is hunting again this morning. Seriously, you'd think he'd get sick of the same old thing every day but he doesn't. Oh and thanks girls for all the wine tips on yesterdays comments. I'll for sure have to try those! My interesting tv watching was an episode of house hunters which has star jones reynolds as the host? what in the world? what happened to the other girl? I also caught the last 15 min. of the fox report with Shep Smith whom I love. It was interesting though b/c a lot of the articles he was reporting on I already knew about by visiting Now, I will say when Shep reported along with the fox drama music it seemed much more news worthy and not trashy. lol. Now here is the most interesting thing I watched last night. I know you're all going to wish you were here with me but we can't all be so blessed. I watched bear hunting with Rick in his office. I know I know, you're all jealous and I'm sure Valerie, you wish you would have been here and not at that fun movie, Enchanted. lol. anyway, not sure whats on tap for today, probably the same old stuff, you know by now what it is, laundry, work out, drive kids somewhere. Sunday school is back in session tomorrow so its early to bed tonight. Have a great Saturday!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

sounds like a very interesting day. I hope that Valerie and her family found their little dog. and how fun for the girls to have the house to themselves.