Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hi. Well, I'm back to playschool this morning and this week is woodland creature week. Well, do i have some woodland creatures to bring and share with the class. If there is one thing I have here is a bunch of dead animals! lol. Joe's room is a hunting lodge so to speak and I think i'll grab a bunch of items from it and share it with the class. they'll love it!

It is cold here today. brr. boys had to wear their coats. Ralph was so excited about the frost on the ground and the crisp air. he thought it would be fun to run all over the place like a maniac! Crazy dog.

Rick called late last night and said that he and his team won an award. i was sleeping so I'm not quite sure what the award was for but nonetheless, its always excited to win something! I should correct myself and say they earned an award. Nothing is giving away in business, nothing!

Hmm, thats about it. I'm off to get ready for woodland creature week. Have a great day and stay warm... think beachy thoughts.


Valerie said...

have fun w/ woodland creatures week but try not to scare the kids w/ dead animals! ha! ha!

A Year In The Life said...

I know, we have a bear's skull in Joe's room and I thought for a second that it might be cool and then I thought, maybe not. lol. I'm bringing some antlers though. they're kind of neat.