Hello, once again another Monday is here and all is well. Tonight is Kate's last night to perform for the Bumpus Bucs. I took her to school b/c her dance bag is so big and the bus driver gets mad that it takes up so much room. Not sure if that is Kate just being a bit dramatic but I know she has a grouchy bus driver. I am going to hopefully continue with my same old same old here. Hopefully, I'll get some yoga in today and maybe even a walk. It is going to be a nice day. Rick has meetings here in town all week so he won't be home for dinner. I love that b/c I can make mac and cheese and everyone is happy. :)
Okay, I seem to have a frequent visitor from Houston. We don't know anyone there so I'm not sure who it is but I'd love it if you would say hi. My sister has a friend there but when she visits her blog her own blog address is on there so I don't think its them. Hmm, a mystery visitor. Please reveal yourself. :)
Have a wonderful morning.
Tell Kate good luck on her last Bump-ass game (that's what my hubby calls the middle school).
I don't think the meeting Tuesday night is a PTO kind of meeting. I think we'll learn a lot. Me, You & Teresa Byars should sit together. Isn't it weird that T & Kate will be w/ a whole new bunch of kids?
We had an AWESOME time in Chicago and T did really, really well Sunday at the Studio. Lots of stuff to think about. Our flight arrived around 10:15 last night, we walked in the door around 11-ish. She's dog tired so I'll check her in on my way to POP this morning.
haha, Rick calls it Bumpass too. too funny. I'm excited to hear about Chicago and yesterday. What a neat experience. Please don't move to milan, I'd miss you. Have a great day at work. :)
oh and yes, let's sit together!
Yeah it's probably just Karyn's boring ole friend from Houston. I am so impressed with you and how much you blog. Karyn always gives me a hard time because I am not very good at keeping up with mine. I know we have never met but but I feel like I know you through your blog. lol
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