Friday, January 4, 2008

Evening News


It's Friday and kids are busy. Jack is at a birthday party tonight and they are going to have fun! They are staying at the Ross Bridge hotel which has an indoor pool so the boys are going to get to swim tonight. How fun for January. Kate is off to the movies with a bunch of friends and Joe is downstairs playing xbox with his friend.

I cleaned all day. I mean cleaned, I dusted ceiling fans and changed light bulbs and cleaned windows and vacuumed. ugh! tonight, I'm just curling up in the big red chair with a glass of wine and watching something interesting on the tube. :)

Hope you have a wonderful evening.


Valerie said...

Enjoy your wine! I'll be cleaning all day Saturday. I'm soooo far behind!

SHORTKIDS3 said...

i love this great wine called rip snorter. We went over to the bucklars and i took it...sooo yummy!!!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Try some Twin Fin too, it is a cute bottle and isn't bad tasting either!!! Hope you enjoyed your night!