Monday, August 27, 2007

Off to Preschool

I'm sort of recovering from my ridiculous ice cream binge. blah, I dont' think I'll be eating ice cream for a while now. Glad that's over. ;)

I'm off to preschool this morning. We have a little meeting and then I guess I'll be getting my room together. That's my favorite part, decorating my room! It will be lots of fun seeing all the girls too. I love everyone I work with and we all have so much in common that our meetings turn into a social event even though Trisha, my director tries to keep us focused.

have a great morning. thinking of all of you.



1 comment:

Cathy said...

you are totally too funny. I think that you love ice cream and that it was okay to overindulge in it. sometimes you just have too! glad that you found Kate, I use to feel that way about Karyn, never home

Jack a boy is such a very typical 10 year old and you just have to love him for it. When is the first game?