Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A new month!

Okay, here we are. I can't believe it is August 1st already! Wow. i feel like I was just counting the days til the kids got out of school now I'm counting the days for when they go back. So funny. Kate has dance camp starting today. The Auburn dance team ( I'm sure they have a very fun name, I just don't know what it is) is coming this week to teach them their dances for the year. I think it's going to be fun to have the college girls there and this year, Kate's group will have different dances than the other Hoover schools.

I have no idea what we're doing today other than taking Kate to school early and then i'm walking 3 with my friend, Jen. Afer that who knows! We should go to the pool as summer is coming to a close just when its getting hot outside. ;)

Have a great day. I think I still like yesterday's quote. so for the quote of the day, refer to yesterday!

haha, I'm sure you noticed the very fun two a days link. I had to. the music is so fun and it should get everyone psyched for football!! I couldn't help it, i had to put it on here.

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