Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's Thursday!

Hi Friends,

How are you? Once again, its five million degrees here in the deep south. I think I'm just getting used to it. I will not be trying on my very cute capri jeans until it is practically snowing, you know, you don't have to tell me twice. the kiddies are off to school. They were all a bit sleepy this morning. Joe was mad at me because I couldn't locate a sharpened pencil in 1.2 seconds. Jack had to shower and that is always a happy time, NOT! Kate always does great. She really does. Her room isn't so great but you know, that is about the only thing that she struggles with. Someday, she'll see that she should keep it clean. For now, I just close the door. I got my 3mile walk in, I am going to clean bathrooms today. I really am. I hate doing it but am so much happier when they're clean. Tomorrow is Doodlingbugs first painting party! It's going to be lots of fun. I have to buy the aprons for Jen and myself today. I am going to write Doodlingbugs on them and paint a fun ladybug on the front. I think the parties are so fun and the kids really enjoy them! We actually created several packages which I think are really affordable. yeah!!

I hope you have a great day. I'll come up with an inspiring quote later on. Right now, my brain is still a little foggy.


1 comment:

Cathy said...

Kate is pretty together except for her room....Joe is so not a morning boy, and Jack has such an aversion to showers...all of this makes life so fun

It is hot here, but nothing like there, and I think that is a good thing..
have fun at your painting party, sounds like fun