Went to preschool this morning and met with two of my children and their mama's and in once case the whole family which is fine. So far so good, they both seem very sweet. One of the little one's name is Abigail and they call her GiGi. I love it. She looks like a GiGi, small with brown curly hair, and big brown eyes. Tomorrow i get to meet with the other four so hopefully, they'll be as sweet as Weston and GiGi.;)
Just got in from a walk. Okay, I only did 2 miles today because it is so hot. I think it's actually only like 87 degrees but its really humid so it feels so yucky. I think I'm going to do some yoga while it is quiet here. Jack has football tonight, Rick is golfing in Montgomery probably with the governor. (not really)
Hope you're having a great day too.
tracy if that is you in the middle in the picture, I am seriously worried about you, you are toooooo thin
mom, that was me in may. i don't think i'm that thin now. i know i'm not. i want to be. haha.;)
you have seen me off and on all summer. thats just a skinnk angle
okay if you say so
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