Monday, August 13, 2007


Hello. Let's see, i'm not quiet sure where to start this morning. I think I'll tell you about my trying to view the meteor show in the middle of the night. I love things like that, I think it is amazing when we earthlings get to be a part of outer space for a second or two. I was awake at 1:00 am so I got up and peeked outside, it was a clear night so I took Ralph out to go potty and thought I'd see if I could see anything. It was hard with all the porch lights on so I took Ralph back inside and I checked on line to see if that was a good time. The Interent said it was the perfect time to see the meteor shower so I turned off the front lights, went out back and found north east. I was thinking, okay, tuscaloosa is that way, birmingham is that way, the sun sets over there and comes up over here. I should have just gone down stairs and turned my car on, it has the dash compass. Anyway, I got situated with the directions and sat in my beach chair and looked up in the sky. I kept looking, nothing looked "awesome" or out of the ordinary or spectactular but then I noticed the boys lights were both on, not night lights but their overhead lights. Ugh! so i went back inside, upstairs and turned off all the darn lights. I made my way back downstairs to the deck and sat in my beach chair. i thought, okay, now I'll be able to see this show! Nope. Nothing. The stars were twinkling which was very pretty, but then I heard something rustling in the brush by the house and then I thought about the time the Rick's truck was broken in to, so I put the beach chair back in the corner of the deck and went back to bed. Oh well, I tried.

Now, on to Monday morning. Our back to school honeymoon lasted all of 5 min. The boys didn't want to get up this morning. I told Joe that he had to go to school so he could be Jaden's buddy and he told me that was over he doesn't have to do that anymore. Nice buddy, ha? I made Joe two things for breakfast both, he ended up not liking. Do you see why I don't like feeding my family?! Kate did great, she always does. She looked like a model going to school. I remember looking so geeky, these girls look beautiful, all of them! I was worried that the boys didn't have enough lunch money in there accounts and then they were being so bad, I really didn't care anymore. Of course, I'm going to deposit money in their account on my way to the preschool this morning but at the moment they were being bad, i didn't care.

That brings me to the preschool. I'm very excited to go back this year and work with the two year olds. I love my room, my director, the girls I work with and being at the church. My director called on Friday and told me there is a child in my room who's mother is worried about him adjusting to the play school. Okay, he's two. What two year old wants to leave their mom. I don't even like leaving my mom and i'm 37. The mom wanted to know if I could come to her house and baby sit for awhile so the child could get to know me. My director, didn't think I'd be able to do that as I have a very full schedule. I did call the mom, we are meeting at the preschool this morning. Okay, two year olds cry when their mama's leave, he'll be fine. Why do some moms have to be so H. M.? I do need to go to my room anyway so I don't mind going but seriously, chill out!

Okay, that's it. that's quite a lot for 7:30am on monday. I hope you all have a great day!


Cathy said...

you have had quite the morning!! I would love to see the asteroids but 1 am hasn't really seen me for a long time so I will just have to hear about it. back to school is always hard, and I'm sure they were tired. but once there they will perk up. kate the great always is ready, it is in here genes, unfortunately I don't think they are mine, I still could sleep throught the alarm..
and the mom? like you have time to go to her house to babysit...maybe she should just wait a year!!

Valerie said...

Before Chris took KJ to bed they sat outside for a while and couldn't see anything either. She was SO disappointed! Chris & I check again around 11 PM and still couldn't see anything. He promised her he would wake her up if we saw anything.
P.S. I agree about some of these moms. They make things waaaayyy more complicated than they need to be!

hamis said...

So...what does H.M. mean? I probably know some moms that have that too....