Can you believe I didn't write anything yesterday? Not sure how that happened. I had a good day at preschool. I love all my children in my class and they're excited about the holidays. We started working on the gifts for their parents and I took down all the fall decorations in my room. This month at school always goes so fast, we'll be out before we know it! That's about it. Came home and sort of did some things around the house, walked a couple of miles with Rick, took Kate to dance, had dinner and went to bed.
Today, I was planning on going over to Homewood to shop but I'm not sure I'll be doing that as I was a little overzealous on my ebay purchases and I bought some things at TJMAXX last night. Might have to hold off on Homewood til Friday. I'm looking for a salvaged fireplace mantle for our bedroom. Of course if I stay home today, I always have a million things to do here so its fine.
Have a great day!!
ebay and amazon are addictive, I can always find something to buycjmetz48
not that it is always for me, don't know why I put cjmetz there, must be the medication!
yes, the cjmetz48 is a little silly, watch out you don't want to become addicted! lol
stop it
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