Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday Morning


Well, I just got the kids out the door and off to school. I'm meeting Joe's class at Publix this morning. They are doing their annual Thanksgiving shopping trip for a charity. Joe said we are in charge of non foods, like napkins and such. I'll bring my camera. It'll be cute. Thats it. That is all I'm comitted to today. Now, with that said, I have a lot to do here at home. I did make some progress this weekend. Rick checked in last night. He is having tons of fun, ,loving all the snow, (yuck). I guess the bear season officially opens today so he said, they're going hunting today and tomorrow. He said something like they were going to leave tomorrow late morning but after being married to him for so long and knowing Jim, I think we'll see them more around Wed. evening. ;)

Have a good day.

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