Tuesday, November 6, 2007

chilly in hoover

Tomorrow is going to be chilly here. brrr. Today was actually chilly and I even thought for a second that I sort of missed the 105 degree temps. I know, I'm crazy but I'd rather be hot than cold. I hate being cold! At least when its hot you can go to the pool and drink yummy chilled drinks. when its cold, you can't talk b/c teeth chatter and your too busy jumping up and down trying to stay warm. Anyway, I've located jackets b/c it'll be chilly in the morning and I'd look like a terrible mother if I didn't send my children to school with a jacket. I know, I know, its really more about me than them. They could really care less, Jack and Joe would wear shorts all year long if I let them. kate of course is trying to convince her dad that she needs a new north face. the one we bought two years ago, the one that was going to last til highschool has been lovingly donated to the neighbor up the street, the north face she got last year, the one that was going to last 'til college is somehow just not right for this year. hmmm. how many years til she goes to college?

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Kendall desperately needs a new jacket, too. T is still wearing the Northface she got in 6th grade but I think it looks ratty and disgusting. She got a jacket from Hollister last year for Christmas that she "had" to have and I think she's OK w/ it for another year. P.S. I love this cold weather! It feels so good!!! I can't stand to be hot. I hate to sweat and don't like the feeling of not being able to cool down. I like this kind of weather . . . I like to snuggle in a sweatshirt or in a blankie on the couch and I like to wear socks to bed. Ha!