Monday, November 19, 2007

Hi. Well, the grocery store trip was very fun and it was great to see Joe! I had a group of 4 boys including Joe and we had 43.00 to spend. We did great! We spent all of it buy 1.00. I forgot my camera so there will be no pictures.

I went over to target and bought the curtains. My friend, Andrea graciously helped me figure them out. Seriously I'm so bad at engineering type things. now, when it comes to fluffing them and such, i can do it. they look good. I love them and I only had to spend 50.00.

I also went to my new neighbors southern living christmas openhouse this morning. I tell ya, I could get used to visiting with neighbors at noon and drinking bellini's. yum.

anyway, since i've visited my day away, i have to get busy, the kids will be home in a half an hour. and i wonder why i can't get anything done around


Valerie said...

a bellini sounds delish right about now!

Valerie said...

KJ went to Bruno's w/ John Patrick. She said they were responsible for paper products and snacks. They had $40 but spent $44 (additional funds "magically" appeared!).
P.S. I saw on the weather channel it's supposed to be 75 Tuesday. Crazy!
P.S. Your curtains look GREAT!

Cathy said...

all of the grocery shopping sounds like fun...oh to take a 7 year old to the grocery store.

what is a bellini? they must be yummy

it is warm here today 60's

Cathy said...

delish, isnt that a Rick Leventry word?

A Year In The Life said...

delish is a r.l. word. must be a valerie word too. :) a bellini is sparkling wine or champagne and peach nector. so yummy and a nice brunch cocktail. i think you'd like it. dawn also had mimosas but i chose the bellini.