hi. today has been a very productive day for us. rick mowed the grass for the first time since june, he even edged and the yard looks so great! i painted the basement stairwell which was absolutely filthy. it looks much better now. i cleaned the basement and fired some pieces in the kiln. i even got 3 miles in today!! yeah! it is so pretty outside, everyone is out mowing and edging.
alabama won yesterday!! roll tide. jack was totally bummed b/c auburn lost. oh well, he really should change teams anyway. red is a much better color for him. ;)
here is a picture of me. thought you'd love to see me today.
I love the picture, you look like a beautiful rock star mom!!!
cute cute cute!!!
great pic of you trace. wish i could be there to see your yard.
rick mowed for the first time since June???
great pic of you Tracy!
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