Saturday, September 29, 2007



Jack won his game today! Whoo hoo. He had to sacks this morning. He did great, they all did. Here are some pictures of the game.


crumblepie said...

Haha funny things you've got there on your sidebar. Nice blog! We'd love to have you as a roomie on our blog network if you're interested.

Cathy said...

how handsome he is, and rough and tough, glad that he won his game

A Year In The Life said...

he is so handsome isn't he. he made the first sack and immediately looked at rick. so cute! he is great. he'll be breaking some hearts before we know it!

abbie said...

great pics...i love'em!! tell him good job!!

SHORTKIDS3 said...

way to go Jack!!!!!

Jayne said...

awww he is so cute! looks like he is having so much fun playing! love it!