Hello. We've made it to the middle of the week. I think it rained last night which is so great. We really need it to keep the grass and trees alive. Kids are off to school, Joe is jazzed because the bus they're riding is brand new. It has air conditioning, and music. He was so excited. Last night he said so serious, "I wonder what Miss Wendy did with the old bus?" haha, so cute. he thought that Miss Wendy, the bus driver sold the old one and bought a new one. Joe Joe.
Talked to Rick. He is having a good meeting. He said he got up early yesterday and walked for an hour. He said he saw himself on Jack's football video and he didn't like how he looked, he also said that his hands were stinging b/c they were so cold. He didn't bring any long sleeves with him. His buddy Victor is from Miami and he and Ricked both walked and they were both freezing.
Kate is excited for her pep rally tomorrow and Bumupu's first home game! Yeah!
Have a great day.
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