Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Pictures

Joe at the end of the afternoon. He was so sleepy. This is the cove where we anchored and cooked lunch on Jim's very fancy nautical grill. This was a really pretty cove but Jill and I decided that for the beautiful view, you really need to be out on the main part of the lake.

Jack being Jack and Dillon being sweet Dillon

Jim and the very fancy nautical grill and the not so fancy plastic fork but it worked!
Jack walking away from the rock. He was going to jump because he did it a couple of weeks ago but the water was down and he just didn't feel comfortable which was fine with me, i thought it looked kind of scary.


Cathy said...

love the pictures of the kids, Joe looked like he had a very good time. and I am glad that Jack didn't jump, looks scary to me too!
I think it is time for a Kate picture!

SHORTKIDS3 said...

the cove is beautiful...looks nice and quiet. yeah...where is missy Kate???