Saturday, April 5, 2008

Okay, so i've been to wal mart and started the annual summer flower buying. I really don't have to buy that much because all my perennials are doing fine. So, I think in honor of us being here five years (thats a long time for us), we should definitely put in a beautiful patio where my garden is under the deck. I want to make it so cute and fun and maybe someday entertain out there, ha, i know you're all laughing but it could happen. Here are some pictures I've sent to rick on his computer. I told him I'd be very happy if he had this patio installed for mothers day and my birthday.


Valerie said...

you definately have the space for it under your deck! We have a weird space where nothing really grows and Chris is dying to put in a flagstone patio. He's been saying it for the last several years. then lacrosse season happens, then KJ cheers for football, then softball starts, blah, blah, blah. Not enough time!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

I thought that was your patio for a second till I read on.....I know you want one, they are too cool and so "garden" Just makes it all look like Southern Living.

A Year In The Life said...

haha, love southern living! that is always to goal, try to have my house to look like southern living, i usually fail miserably