Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hi! Just got back from taking Kate to the ortho for her post braces check up. she is doing great! We thought maybe her wisdom tooth was coming in but thankfully, it isn't. Her retainer was just cutting into her upper gum. After the ortho visit we ran into Publix so she could get something to eat and I bought a few things for dinner. Now, I'm firing the bday party mugs and I need to organize my paintings for Shawn to haul to the show on Sat. where it is not going to rain until after 5pm! It is beautiful outside today but my allergies were kicking in so I picked up some claritin, not the claritin d but just claritin. Thats about it. We don't have anything on the calendar tonight! woo hoo!!! We can just hang out at home, how nice. The boys can do homework and go to bed at a decent hour. I love that!

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