Monday, April 14, 2008


Hi guys! Okay, I am posting a picture of a painting I did yesterday and today. I redid it at least 4 times! Ahhh! It isn't varnished yet but I think its finished. I was sort of thinking of giving it to Trisha for a going away gift. I'm not sure though. This painting and I have become quite attatched!lol


Valerie said...

that is really sweet. I like the fact that you have a little boy in there (John?). It does look like it could be Tricia the angel mom/teacher/friend and the 2 kids.

A Year In The Life said...

i know, that is sort of what i was thinking. the children could be her children or the children from the playschool/nursery. we'll see. i'm not sure yet.

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

I agree, when you said Trisha I totally thought Jess and John..Love it by the way!!!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

BTW this is my new blog address, I'll explain in the morn!