It's Friday! Yay! We all ended up going to the ball park last night. I had to take Jack up there and Rick met us there so we all ended up staying. It was such a pretty evening, too pretty to be inside doing homework, reading, showering and going to bed which we should have been doing. Oh well. Mudcat luck never ran out! They won! Whoo hoo. It was just a practice game but hey, a win's a win in my book. Today, I'm running several canvas's over to Shawn so she can take them to the show tomorrow. I love all the ones I'm sending so maybe they won't sell and I can keep them. I know that sounds crazy but each one is sort of a little piece of me and letting them go is sort of hard.
Let's see, not much else is going on. I have to fire some pieces today, run to the grocery store to do my Friday pick ups, frame a painting that is being given as a gift. oh, that is going to be fun, seeing it framed! love that. hmmmm, oh yes, go to belk and check out the new yellow box flip flops. get them while you can! have a great friday. ;)
mud cats rule. have a nice weekend
you'll be happy to know T & I bought yellowbox flipflops @ Belk's this afternoon. I was never a fan before but at $19.99 I became a fan. I bought brown & white polka dots; T bought black & white polka dots.
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