Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hello, Saturday is here and it is a crisp one but i think its supposed to warm up to a very spring like 60 this afternoon. We are having a fun little valentine party in the cul de sac down from me. I'm bringing a ceramic project and other moms are bringing other fun things to do. I like to keep things simple, that way, it doesn't get out of control. Not everyone shares my lovely view on that but it'll be fine.

I enjoyed lots of yummy treats yesterday b/c I always make Friday my free day. I'm sort of doing WW and they allow you 35 points extra for the week. Some people choose to spread that over the week, I choose to not eat during the week and then indulge on Friday. Its a party night and a lunch day and a night to eat ice cream sundaes and enjoy a smooth glass of wine. I loved it but now this morning, I'm back to point counting and so far for breakfast, I've had 4pts. I bought this bread that my friend, Shawn recommended and it is 0 points. I have to say that I've tasted tastier breads but hey, I'm not going to complain b/c bread usually adds a heafty 2 points or so.

anyway, thats about it. I created this fun on line calendar that I can just pull from my favorites and check and edit and update. I love it. I'm actually busy enough right now with ceramic celebrations that i need a calendar. yay! i love that.

have a great day. love to all of you on this ground hogs day.:) did he see his shadow? does it even matter? we still have 6 more weeks of winter!

1 comment:

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Sorry about the bread... but you are right when reg bread adds up to 2 or more points it doesn't taste that bad :) Congrats on the busy business that ROCKS!!!