Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Hello. Its been a busy morning around here. Jack went to morning math group this morning so I took him to that, that is one trip down and up SSC road, came home grabbed Kate for her adjustment at the ortho, yes we were just there but she is soooooo close to getting those darn braces off and Dr. B wanted to make sure her rubber bands were right. Four weeks and those suckers are coming off! She can hardly stand it. That was another trip down and up SSC road. Ugh! I'm home now for the day. It is rainy out and I think its supposed to get cold out later on or at least colder than it has been. :( I wish every day could be 75 degrees. I have lots to do around here, laundry, dishes, clean my floors. They're so yucky. Have a great day.

Yesterday I was standing in my closet just looking around and rick asked what in the world I was doing? I told him I was trying to find something to wear. I seriously, needed to go clothes shopping. Yesterday, he came upstairs with a wad of cash and said, go shopping and buy yourself a bunch of new clothes. He said, do not buy anything for the kids, the house, the dog or myself, just buy for you. Okay, you don't have to tell me twice. I did some power shopping last night while kate was at dance and I found a bunch of fun things and amazingly when i got home, they all fit and I love them and i have cashola left over! yay! He is so sweet. :)


Valerie said...

hey rick! I need some new clothes, too!

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Seriously, SHARE the love Broth'a! I love the pit hair, we should throw a party when the boys get theirs... could you see the cake.....hahaha a hug sheet cake cut out like an arm pit and black coconut sprinkled in the middle that would be a riot! Damn I wish I had a boy!!!!!