Advent is one of my favorite seasons. This year I'm reading a scripture that is for Advent. Each day is a different one and I've really enjoyed it. Today's verse is Matthew 1 18:21. Gabriel tells Joseph that he should not be afraid of what is coming with the birth of Jesus. I love the purple and pink candles, I love preparing my heart for Christmas day.
The kids are finally putting their ornaments on the tree. Kate was home yesterday and today but she has to go back this evening for chapter and finals this week and then she is done. Jack has been golfing and Rick bought him another Christmas present, new driver. Seriously, it's Christmas every day here! Joe had a great weekend with friends and Kate and I shopped all day yesterday in Homewood. I even bought new clothes! I love them and I'm excited to go back for more. I'm at this crazy age where if you're not careful you'll look like you're trying to be a teenager and that is not good and if you're not careful you'll look like you're just a big frump! So I've decided I'm a boutique mama and thats just the way its gonna have to be from now on. The small stores really had so many cute things that aren't too young and they're certainly not old. I even updated my work out clothes. You know its time to do that when you're wearing them for five min. after they've been washed and they stink. Too many hot yoga sessions!
I've had such a fun season with tml designs. I have about 20 ornaments ready to be fired and I have to make four pillows and then I'm done. I seriosuly think I will regroup on January and clean my office and start working again. I have some new ideas and I'm excited to start working on them.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
The power of prayer!
You say, "There are poor people in other countries; children are cold, hungry, and crying. As bad as it seems here, it's worse there." Your empathy goes out and says, "Let's take care of them."
Whether or not you can do anything physically, start praying for these people. Start holding visions of success for them. Start taking success images and putting them out, sending these people all the energy you can for their upliftment. If enough people do this, the consciousness will start moving, and greater success will start flowing to those people to whom you are sending this energy.
- John-Roger
Whether or not you can do anything physically, start praying for these people. Start holding visions of success for them. Start taking success images and putting them out, sending these people all the energy you can for their upliftment. If enough people do this, the consciousness will start moving, and greater success will start flowing to those people to whom you are sending this energy.
- John-Roger
Saturday, October 27, 2012
The Whisper
Here's the deal, I'm not overly religious. Born and raised Roman Catholic, I love going to mass because it is so very comfortable to me. It is quiet and it is tradition and it is home. That's not what this post is about. This post is about more than religion. It's about listening to the whisper. Have you ever heard the whisper of God? For me it isn't a literal whisper, like my friend telling me a secret, it's more of a thought or words I see and hear in my mind. I know that sounds so ridiculous but that's how it works for me. If I have a worry or concern, I try to pray about it. More than likely, the prayer happens while I'm driving, doing laundry or dishes. It isn't an all out kneel down prayer session. Most often the whisper comes soon in my mind. It isn't always clear but sometimes it is. Most often it is God telling me to be still and trust. Lately, I've heard Him say, there is a plan. Trust in the plan. Ahh but what is the plan? Right? That's the big question. Faith tells me that whatever the plan is, it will be okay. It will be more than okay because the plan is Godly. I hope everyone can hear the whisper. Be still and listen.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Debate, Voices, Yoga & Running
Loving all the craziness surrounding the presidential debate last night. Our president was not prepared and Romney was ready! Love that! Love that he knows his stuff w/o the teleprompter. I'm so scared for what is going to happen with the Obamacare. I know a lady who works for a huge insurance company and she has the legislation sitting on her desk. Her job is to implement it w/in the company. She said we would not believe all the crap in it and our taxes are going to go through the roof. Not sure what to do but pray.
I've been home all day. It has been so great to be here, straighten the house work on ornament orders and just rest. Its always fun having family here but it can be tiring. I went to the Y last night and did the Y strong class. Honestly, it was good but not super challenging. Tatum really has the best workouts but I cannot make it to her classes anymore. I am sore though so thats good. I saw a girl who goes to Bikram. You know how you think a person will sound just by the way they look? Well, I said hi and introduced myself and I was shocked at how deep her voice was. It was crazy! I was totally taken off guard by it. Tonight is dynamic yoga at the Y and I'm hoping to do some of the cardio machines. I'm happiest when I'm in a good workout groove.
Tomorrow is our annual big fancy tailgate that we have renamed big sassy tailgate. I think the weather is going to be great. I'm ready for it to be a little cooler at the games. It was too warm last weekend. Joe's running in the Jesse Owens meet on Saturday. It should be a great day to be in Cullman!
I've been home all day. It has been so great to be here, straighten the house work on ornament orders and just rest. Its always fun having family here but it can be tiring. I went to the Y last night and did the Y strong class. Honestly, it was good but not super challenging. Tatum really has the best workouts but I cannot make it to her classes anymore. I am sore though so thats good. I saw a girl who goes to Bikram. You know how you think a person will sound just by the way they look? Well, I said hi and introduced myself and I was shocked at how deep her voice was. It was crazy! I was totally taken off guard by it. Tonight is dynamic yoga at the Y and I'm hoping to do some of the cardio machines. I'm happiest when I'm in a good workout groove.
Tomorrow is our annual big fancy tailgate that we have renamed big sassy tailgate. I think the weather is going to be great. I'm ready for it to be a little cooler at the games. It was too warm last weekend. Joe's running in the Jesse Owens meet on Saturday. It should be a great day to be in Cullman!
God's light!
Wherever you go, ask for God's Light to surround you, protect you and fill you. Place it ahead of you wherever you are going so that you will always be well received.
Every time you meet someone, ask this Light to be placed between you, not as a barrier, but for clarity. Ask for the highest good to be present. When people speak to you, ask yourself, "Is this true for me?" You can't ask if it's true for everyone because there is no real truth for everyone -- except God.
- John-Roger
Every time you meet someone, ask this Light to be placed between you, not as a barrier, but for clarity. Ask for the highest good to be present. When people speak to you, ask yourself, "Is this true for me?" You can't ask if it's true for everyone because there is no real truth for everyone -- except God.
- John-Roger
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Peeking and Poking around on blogs.
I peek at other blogs here and there. I really don't have a lot of time to blog shop and sit and read blogs but there are several I like keeping up with. Maybe I'll write on my blog about the blogs I read. Some are about food, some about travel, decorating and some are about whatever is going on in the authors life. Always interesting to read them and I always learn new things. I often times get great recipes and ideas and a good chuckle out of them! No one really cares. I mean, really? thats what I struggle with when it comes to blogs. Does anyone really care. I don't think so. If you're really going to journal, you don't put it out there for the world to see. At least I don't. Honestly, I'm not going to put my worries and concerns about family and finances on line. Thats private and personal and between me God and my family. The world of blogging is a crazy one.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Likable? Yes!
A lot is being said in the media about Mitt Romney not being "likable" or that he doesn't "relate well" to people. Frankly, we struggled to understand why. So after much research, we have come up with a Top Ten List to explain this "unlikablility."
Top Ten Reasons To Dislike Mitt Romney:
1. Drop-dead, collar-ad handsome with gracious, statesmanlike aura. Looks like every central casting's #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief.
2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been faithful to her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and MS.
3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)
4. Can't speak in a fake, southern, "black preacher voice" when necessary.
5. Highly intelligent. Graduated cum laude from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School ...and by the way, his academic records are NOT sealed.
6. Doesn't smoke or drink alcohol, and has never done drugs, not even in the counter-culture age when he went to college. Too square for today's America ?
7. Represents an America of "yesterday", where people believed in God, went to Church, didn't screw around, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS!
8. Has a family of five great sons....and none of them have police records or are in drug rehab. But of course, they were raised by a stay-at-home mom, and that "choice" deserves America 's scorn.
9. Oh yes.....He, like others, is a MORMON. We need to be very afraid of that very strange religion that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic, fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, and honest.
10. And one more point.....pundits say because of his wealth, he can't relate to ordinary Americans. I guess that's because he made that money opposed to marrying it or inheriting it from Dad. Apparently, he didn't understand that actually working at a job and earning your own money made you unrelatable to Americans.
My goodness, it's a strange world, isn't it?
Personal Information:
His full Name is: Willard Mitt Romney
He was Born: March 12, 1947 and is 65 years old.
His Father: George W. Romney, former Governor of the State of Michigan
He was raised in Bloomfield Hills , Michigan
He is Married to Ann Romney since 1969; they five children.
B.A. from Brigham Young University ,
J.D. and M.B.A. from Harvard University
Mormon - The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
Working Background:
After high school, he spent 30 months in France as a Mormon missionary.
After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar exam, but never worked as an attorney.
In 1984, he co-founded Bain Capital a private equity investment firm, one of the largest such firms in the United States.
In 1994, he ran for Senator of Massachusetts and lost to Ted Kennedy.
He was President and CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.
In 2002, he was elected Governor of the State of Massachusetts where he eliminated a 1.5 billion deficit.
Some Interesting Facts about Romney:
Bain Capital, starting with one small office supply store in Massachusetts , turned it into Staples; now over 2,000 stores employing 90,000 people.
Bain Capital also worked to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply and many others.
He was an unpaid volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year.
He was an unpaid intern in his dad's governor's office for eight years.
He was an unpaid Bishop and Stake President of his church for ten years.
He was an unpaid President of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee for three years.
He took no salary and was the unpaid Governor of Massachusetts for four years.
He gave his entire inheritance from his father to charity.
Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest self-made men in our country but has given more back to its citizens in terms of money, service and time than most men.
And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income.... Just for comparison purposes, Obama gave 1% and Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013%.
Mitt Romney is Trustworthy:
He will show us his birth certificate
He will show us his high school and college transcripts. (Do you mean he won't spend $878 MILLION blocking access)?
He will show us his social security card. (And his doesn't belong to a deceased gent from NH? And he doesn't have 6 SSN's)?
He will show us his law degree.
He will show us his draft notice.
He will show us his medical records.
He will show us his income tax records (He's having fun with the liar, Harry Reid and the other Democrat Socialists at present).
He will show us he has nothing to hide.
Mitt Romney's background, experience and trustworthiness show him to be a great leader and an excellent citizen for President of the United States .
You may think that Romney may not be the best representative the Republicans could have selected.
At least I know what religion he is, and that he won't desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or practice fiscal irresponsibility.
I know he has the ability to turn this financial debacle that the current regime has gotten us into.
We won't like all the things necessary to recover from this debt, but someone with Romney's background can do it.
But, on the minus side, he never was a "Community Organizer", never took drugs or smoked pot, never got drunk, did not associate with communists (Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones.....and the list goes on forever) or terrorists, nor did he attend a church whose pastor called for God to damn the United States .
And I'll wager any amount, you wish to lose, Romney will send 32 worthless Czars packing.
Top Ten Reasons To Dislike Mitt Romney:
1. Drop-dead, collar-ad handsome with gracious, statesmanlike aura. Looks like every central casting's #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief.
2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been faithful to her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and MS.
3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)
4. Can't speak in a fake, southern, "black preacher voice" when necessary.
5. Highly intelligent. Graduated cum laude from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School ...and by the way, his academic records are NOT sealed.
6. Doesn't smoke or drink alcohol, and has never done drugs, not even in the counter-culture age when he went to college. Too square for today's America ?
7. Represents an America of "yesterday", where people believed in God, went to Church, didn't screw around, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS!
8. Has a family of five great sons....and none of them have police records or are in drug rehab. But of course, they were raised by a stay-at-home mom, and that "choice" deserves America 's scorn.
9. Oh yes.....He, like others, is a MORMON. We need to be very afraid of that very strange religion that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic, fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, and honest.
10. And one more point.....pundits say because of his wealth, he can't relate to ordinary Americans. I guess that's because he made that money opposed to marrying it or inheriting it from Dad. Apparently, he didn't understand that actually working at a job and earning your own money made you unrelatable to Americans.
My goodness, it's a strange world, isn't it?
Personal Information:
His full Name is: Willard Mitt Romney
He was Born: March 12, 1947 and is 65 years old.
His Father: George W. Romney, former Governor of the State of Michigan
He was raised in Bloomfield Hills , Michigan
He is Married to Ann Romney since 1969; they five children.
B.A. from Brigham Young University ,
J.D. and M.B.A. from Harvard University
Mormon - The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
Working Background:
After high school, he spent 30 months in France as a Mormon missionary.
After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar exam, but never worked as an attorney.
In 1984, he co-founded Bain Capital a private equity investment firm, one of the largest such firms in the United States.
In 1994, he ran for Senator of Massachusetts and lost to Ted Kennedy.
He was President and CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.
In 2002, he was elected Governor of the State of Massachusetts where he eliminated a 1.5 billion deficit.
Some Interesting Facts about Romney:
Bain Capital, starting with one small office supply store in Massachusetts , turned it into Staples; now over 2,000 stores employing 90,000 people.
Bain Capital also worked to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply and many others.
He was an unpaid volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year.
He was an unpaid intern in his dad's governor's office for eight years.
He was an unpaid Bishop and Stake President of his church for ten years.
He was an unpaid President of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee for three years.
He took no salary and was the unpaid Governor of Massachusetts for four years.
He gave his entire inheritance from his father to charity.
Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest self-made men in our country but has given more back to its citizens in terms of money, service and time than most men.
And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income.... Just for comparison purposes, Obama gave 1% and Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013%.
Mitt Romney is Trustworthy:
He will show us his birth certificate
He will show us his high school and college transcripts. (Do you mean he won't spend $878 MILLION blocking access)?
He will show us his social security card. (And his doesn't belong to a deceased gent from NH? And he doesn't have 6 SSN's)?
He will show us his law degree.
He will show us his draft notice.
He will show us his medical records.
He will show us his income tax records (He's having fun with the liar, Harry Reid and the other Democrat Socialists at present).
He will show us he has nothing to hide.
Mitt Romney's background, experience and trustworthiness show him to be a great leader and an excellent citizen for President of the United States .
You may think that Romney may not be the best representative the Republicans could have selected.
At least I know what religion he is, and that he won't desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or practice fiscal irresponsibility.
I know he has the ability to turn this financial debacle that the current regime has gotten us into.
We won't like all the things necessary to recover from this debt, but someone with Romney's background can do it.
But, on the minus side, he never was a "Community Organizer", never took drugs or smoked pot, never got drunk, did not associate with communists (Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones.....and the list goes on forever) or terrorists, nor did he attend a church whose pastor called for God to damn the United States .
And I'll wager any amount, you wish to lose, Romney will send 32 worthless Czars packing.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
And sometimes you just want to say really? really? really? hahaha. People are crazy aren't they?
Got up and ran early this morning. I forgot how much I love running before the world is awake. I didn't have my ipod and I enjoyed listening to the crickets and the dogs barking and my own prayers.
God is always good. We don't always know his reasons but not to worry because there's always good things on the horizon. Dad is coming today. Can't wait to show him some fun Alabama football. Good times for sure!
Got up and ran early this morning. I forgot how much I love running before the world is awake. I didn't have my ipod and I enjoyed listening to the crickets and the dogs barking and my own prayers.
God is always good. We don't always know his reasons but not to worry because there's always good things on the horizon. Dad is coming today. Can't wait to show him some fun Alabama football. Good times for sure!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Fall Weekends & the Buc Warmer!
Fabulous weekend. We finally named our fireplace this Friday. My friend, Amy suggested the Buc Warmer...Everyone loved it so The Buc Warmer it is! We didn't go to Tuscaloosa for the Hoover game so we had our first fire of the year on Friday. Several friends came over and we had a fun time laughing and chatting and just catching up. We planned our tailgate for Friday for the Hoover Vestavia game. Kate called saying that she and Alex found a sweet kitten on their walk. Of course she wanted to keep it but I told her we could not keep it and nature would just takes it's course with it. We cannot save the world. I love that she has a good hear though.
Yesterday was kind of a chill day for me. I took Joe and friends to a movie, did some shopping and bought fabric to finally cover the leather sofa cushions. I love minky fabric but I loathe working with it. We went to a friends birthday party last night. I love a night that involves cake! We watched the Auburn/LSU game. All tiger people were happy. It wasn't a blowout and LSU still won. Although, I think they dropped in the polls b/c it really should have been a blowout. But Auburn showed up and played really well. Alabama was payper view and we didn't buy.
Jack's playing golf today, has to have his sports physical for tryouts too. Nothing like waiting til the last min. Thankfully, it's a beautiful day. I've eaten too many bad things already this morning. I'm definitely going to yoga to sweat it all out! I think I left my mat there too. At least I hope I did, b/c I can't find it anywhere.
Yesterday was kind of a chill day for me. I took Joe and friends to a movie, did some shopping and bought fabric to finally cover the leather sofa cushions. I love minky fabric but I loathe working with it. We went to a friends birthday party last night. I love a night that involves cake! We watched the Auburn/LSU game. All tiger people were happy. It wasn't a blowout and LSU still won. Although, I think they dropped in the polls b/c it really should have been a blowout. But Auburn showed up and played really well. Alabama was payper view and we didn't buy.
Jack's playing golf today, has to have his sports physical for tryouts too. Nothing like waiting til the last min. Thankfully, it's a beautiful day. I've eaten too many bad things already this morning. I'm definitely going to yoga to sweat it all out! I think I left my mat there too. At least I hope I did, b/c I can't find it anywhere.
Friday, September 21, 2012
7th Grade,ladybug and fall temps
Ahhh, 7th grade. My least favorite grade out of all of the grades. 9th is a close 2nd but 7th wins the prize. I didn't like it when Kate was in 7th grade, there was always girl drama and queen bees and queen bee wanna bee's and mama's who wanted there child to be queen bee and invited to parties, blah blah blah! 7th grade for Jack was not terrible but it was tough with school work. He had to learn to study and and he was playing football or I should say he was on the team. Jack is always my more chill child. He's more of a home body and he loves his naps! Joe's in 7th grade now. Its a tough transition. The hormones are kicking in and hormones for boys usually means they're in a fog and they're tired and they're grumpy. Then we have the football factor. It's tough to do anything in Hoover which I believe in the long run makes for a better adult but when they're 12, its hard. There are 70 boys on the 7th grade team. In 7th grade there are boys who mature faster than others and they're big and fast and strong. So, those boys play. I get that. We were prepared for that. Joe's fast, he's really fast. He can catch, he can catch great, he can tackle too but there are bigger boys who can do all that too. But not getting playing time makes for a discouraged 7th grade football player. It'll be okay, it always is. Kids grow, they change and they find out where they're supposed to be. But 7th grade, ugh! It's tough.
Moving on to my lady bug! She ran for president of her Phi pledge class and she won! So proud of her for putting herself out there. She is loving college life and her responsibilities she has now. See, 7th grade is barely a blip on the screen now! I'm so happy she is at a small school. There are distractions everywhere but at least at UM, she is a name and a name with a face. She isn't a number and she can truly shine.
The weather has turned and we are enjoying some beautiful cool mornings. I think we'll have a fire in the fireplace tonight. Hoover is playing in Tuscaloosa so we'll be cheering the Bucs on from the pit! Go Bucs!
Moving on to my lady bug! She ran for president of her Phi pledge class and she won! So proud of her for putting herself out there. She is loving college life and her responsibilities she has now. See, 7th grade is barely a blip on the screen now! I'm so happy she is at a small school. There are distractions everywhere but at least at UM, she is a name and a name with a face. She isn't a number and she can truly shine.
The weather has turned and we are enjoying some beautiful cool mornings. I think we'll have a fire in the fireplace tonight. Hoover is playing in Tuscaloosa so we'll be cheering the Bucs on from the pit! Go Bucs!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Sunday once again. I'm just not a Sunday person even though today is beautiful. I did get the boys to their first Sunday school classes this morning. I was really planning going to church too but I just struggle with Sundays, they always make me sad. they always have even when I was young. So, oh well, thats just the way it is. I did get the grocery shopping done while they were at class. Kate came home yesterday. We ran to Michaels and bought some cute paper and buttons she can make name tags for her Phi pledge class. Joe was in Willow Trace and Jack had a golf lesson early so he came home and crashed. Rick and I assumed our positions at Sal and Michelles for the Alabama game. That game was like the Hoover game, not a game! We ended up leaving the Hoover game after the homecoming court was announced. It is not fun to sit and watch a team absolutely blow out another team even if its the team you go for. I felt bad for the other team. I couldn't remember their name. This new football schedule for Alabama high schools is awful.
I've had fun making some fun things to take to the fall show. I have several orders to work on too. Recently I pinned several face masks. I did the banana honey one last week and it calls to mash a banana but I was thinking it would be easier to buy the baby food jar of it. That would be the perfect consistency! Here is the recipe...
mashed banana
1tsp honey
10 drops of lemon juice
leave on for 15 min.
the banana has viatmins that will help smooth the skin and even help with wrinkles. the honey is great for hydrations and the lemon juice is a natural hydroxy!
I've had fun making some fun things to take to the fall show. I have several orders to work on too. Recently I pinned several face masks. I did the banana honey one last week and it calls to mash a banana but I was thinking it would be easier to buy the baby food jar of it. That would be the perfect consistency! Here is the recipe...
mashed banana
1tsp honey
10 drops of lemon juice
leave on for 15 min.
the banana has viatmins that will help smooth the skin and even help with wrinkles. the honey is great for hydrations and the lemon juice is a natural hydroxy!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
WEll, We have a Phi Mu in the family now. Kate accepted the bid from the chapter at UM. She is so very excited and thrilled to be a Phi Mu! Bid day was so fun and I was actually surprised at all the girls that were going through rush. Kate had a great experience and that I'm thankful for because you never know what will happen when you get that many girls together! She seems to be enjoying every second of school. This weekend is homecoming at Hoover. Maybe she'll come home for a little while. That would be nice. The child was born to wear pink!
The WEather has been lovely this week. Hoping it stays this way throughout Friday. Jack is working on tweaking his golf skills. Try outs are coming up. I think he has a great shot at making the team. There are only 4 spots available and it doesn't matter if you're going out for the math team, football, cheer, or golf, trying out for anything at HHS is tough! He isn't going to homecoming. He just wasn't into it and then last night he said that he should have asked someone. I said, yep. That would have been nice. I think once he is driving and a little older all that girl stuff will be better. It's hard for the boys to ask the girls.
The WEather has been lovely this week. Hoping it stays this way throughout Friday. Jack is working on tweaking his golf skills. Try outs are coming up. I think he has a great shot at making the team. There are only 4 spots available and it doesn't matter if you're going out for the math team, football, cheer, or golf, trying out for anything at HHS is tough! He isn't going to homecoming. He just wasn't into it and then last night he said that he should have asked someone. I said, yep. That would have been nice. I think once he is driving and a little older all that girl stuff will be better. It's hard for the boys to ask the girls.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Football Season, Rush & Yoga!
So, I'm really failing at blogging. Ugh! I want to be a good blogger but I'm really so bad about it. We have a lot going on all the time and there is always something to do around here. The thought of sitting here and blogging about stuff seems pointless but I'm doing it anyway today. I just threw away the can of Pillsbury icing. I love it so and it is so bad for me and the only way I won't get into it is if it's in the trash. That's why I have one of my boards on pinterest named trash worthy. We've had a great weekend. Friday was the first Hoover game with our new schedule. We went and did our usual hanging out before the game. It was at Hueytown's new highschool. Beautiful school and new stadium. I love that Hoover always brings a great crowd and I love that we are always so darn good! This year is a little strange because Kate's class isn't there. Of course I know some kids on the team but not many. Jack's boys are getting some playing time too which is fun. We always love going and seeing our friends there. Its always a fun social event. This Friday everyone will be at the home game and this year we're back at the Met which will be great! So much room and yummy consessions. Ohh, we did have a little drama on Friday at the game. So the students were standing which they always do but there wasn't a designated student section so there were people behind them. As you can imagine, those people were getting upset because they couldn't see the game b/c the students were standing. Someone had the police come up but the police didn't make them sit down. Thank goodness! My friends and I told an upset fan that this game is for the kids at the school and they are just fine cheering in front of the cheerleaders. This is what they always do. If you can't see because kids are standing, either stand up and cheer or move. So Hoover won, they won big and they'll most likely win big every game. I'm so excited for my dad to come down for the Hoover Vestavia game! We're planning on a big tailgate that night. Alabama won big, Auburn lost big and we had a great day Saturday watching football. I'm always so sad when Saturday's over. Jack golfed Friday and Saturday. Try outs are coming up and he has been working so hard on his game!
Kate's had an amazing experience with rush. You never quite know how rush will go. I've heard stories that would scare any girl away from rushing. Thankfully, Kate's expereince has been great. She has a great resume and she is a sweet girl so I prayed all of that would show this week. Today is pref day and she is wearing her gold dress. Tomorrow is bid day. I'm working a half day so I can get to UM.
I've been trying to get to my yoga three days a week but I've had to work Thursdays because of training and I'm only making it two days a week. Hopefully this week I will make it Thurs-Sun!I need it!! I'm posting this picture of the spine. Its amazing that everything we do stems from our spine. It's so important for it to be healthy.
Kate's had an amazing experience with rush. You never quite know how rush will go. I've heard stories that would scare any girl away from rushing. Thankfully, Kate's expereince has been great. She has a great resume and she is a sweet girl so I prayed all of that would show this week. Today is pref day and she is wearing her gold dress. Tomorrow is bid day. I'm working a half day so I can get to UM.
I've been trying to get to my yoga three days a week but I've had to work Thursdays because of training and I'm only making it two days a week. Hopefully this week I will make it Thurs-Sun!I need it!! I'm posting this picture of the spine. Its amazing that everything we do stems from our spine. It's so important for it to be healthy.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Kids, Bikram, Football
Had a good weekend. Didn't do much really but I did get things done around the house. This was the first weekend I was able to just sort of hang out on Saturday. Boys were busy with friends, Rick was busy at the lease and Kate was at school. I had signed up for early morning yoga yesterday but I didn't make it. I didn't exercise at all. I did however make a caulflower pizza crust. It was very yummy but the boys were having none of it. It didn't have a very pizza crust type texture though but all the flavors went great together. I noticed a friend of mine has her very cute Hoover football wreath up and it made me think that I'm behind on that! Today, I made one for the front door and I will get a big mesh bow for the mail box this weekend. Kate did come home today and we did some more shopping. She is loving school so much and she has met a lot of people. Rush is coming up and she is nervous and ready to get on with it. I wish Jack would ask someone to homecoming. He is so shy and worried they'll say no or worse, they'll say yes and not really want to go with him. Joe's had a couple days off from football. He'll be back at it tomorrow.
I did make it to yoga this morning. I even skipped Jack's confirmation meeting to go. I needed to do something for me! Plus, I knew what they were going to say at the meeting and I can pick up the packet at the church. I love Stacy's classes on Sunday morning. She has a fun sense of humor and she is really a good instructor. All the people are good there and I love that they're each so different. My elbow was really hurting when I went in to class today. I have no idea why it hurts but sometimes random body parts just hurt. It's still sore but it seems to be a little better. My least favorite pose today was locust. it is just so hard. I usually think that if I make it through the locust series, I'm good to go! However the standing balancing series is very challenging as well. It's all challenging! Class was packed and there were a lot of good Bikram people in there today.
I made some new fun recipes I got off pinterest. I baked the eggs in the cupcake pan this morning. Turned out great. I did the berries, bananas and diet sprite after yoga, it was awesome. tasted like an icie! Love me some pinterest. Hoping this is a great week! We've made plans with friends to watch the Hoover game at Beefs on Friday. Just saw a tweet from the principal saying there might be some game issues with the hurricane looming. Hope not! We're ready for football around here!!
I did make it to yoga this morning. I even skipped Jack's confirmation meeting to go. I needed to do something for me! Plus, I knew what they were going to say at the meeting and I can pick up the packet at the church. I love Stacy's classes on Sunday morning. She has a fun sense of humor and she is really a good instructor. All the people are good there and I love that they're each so different. My elbow was really hurting when I went in to class today. I have no idea why it hurts but sometimes random body parts just hurt. It's still sore but it seems to be a little better. My least favorite pose today was locust. it is just so hard. I usually think that if I make it through the locust series, I'm good to go! However the standing balancing series is very challenging as well. It's all challenging! Class was packed and there were a lot of good Bikram people in there today.
I made some new fun recipes I got off pinterest. I baked the eggs in the cupcake pan this morning. Turned out great. I did the berries, bananas and diet sprite after yoga, it was awesome. tasted like an icie! Love me some pinterest. Hoping this is a great week! We've made plans with friends to watch the Hoover game at Beefs on Friday. Just saw a tweet from the principal saying there might be some game issues with the hurricane looming. Hope not! We're ready for football around here!!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Didn't make it to Bikram
So, I was totally going to Bikram at 7:30am but I decided to just take it easy this morning and enjoy the quiet time here at home. I have so much to do around here. Sometimes, we just have to succumb to the fact that our regular life has to be put on hold to get our crazy life organized. The 13 yo bday parties have started! good times for Joe and friends. Loving that he is enjoying new friends and 7th grade. His grade is very different than Kate and Jacks. Still can't tell how the groups are shaking out. I hear names of kids here and there but nothing consistent like Kate's grade. Kate is loving being at school. I talked to her several times yesterday. She's excited about classes starting and she used the campus gym, and she has met a lot of new people. Jack is gearing up for golf tryouts. So hoping he makes the team this year. He needs the vote of confidence. He's worked so hard!
I have so much to do with tml designs. I need to get working! I was asked to do the Briarwood show. I think it will be a good one and its not on a Saturday. I won't do Saturday shows. It's a lot though to make a lot of pieces. I don't think everyone realizes that since they're made from scratch, it takes twice as long. I do love doing it though so that makes it worthwhile.
Football season is about to start! So excited and this is such a fun place to live with football. Looks like Hoover it going to be good and Rick said Alabama has one of the best if not the best offense in Bama history. We'll see! Should be fun. I need to increase my exercise big time!
I have so much to do with tml designs. I need to get working! I was asked to do the Briarwood show. I think it will be a good one and its not on a Saturday. I won't do Saturday shows. It's a lot though to make a lot of pieces. I don't think everyone realizes that since they're made from scratch, it takes twice as long. I do love doing it though so that makes it worthwhile.
Football season is about to start! So excited and this is such a fun place to live with football. Looks like Hoover it going to be good and Rick said Alabama has one of the best if not the best offense in Bama history. We'll see! Should be fun. I need to increase my exercise big time!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Just thoughts
Crazy busy the past several months. HOping to have time to write consistent posts. Thoughts for right now.
*Kate leaves the nest today. So very excited for her!! Cannot wait to see all the wonderful things she will do. I've had moments of oh my gosh, I can't believe she is this age already but mostly, I'm just excited!
*7th grade football is here. Happy Joe got on the turf and even had a great tackle!
*10th grade for Jack. Golf for Jack. So many great things.
*new software at work. Gonna be great but always overwhelming learning a new system.
*Hoover football, Alabama football....just a lot of fun football!!
*Bikram yoga,
*eating healthy! keep eating healthy
*Biggest thought recently is who do I want to be as I move through my 40's? What do I want to look like. What does a 40 something look like?
*Kate leaves the nest today. So very excited for her!! Cannot wait to see all the wonderful things she will do. I've had moments of oh my gosh, I can't believe she is this age already but mostly, I'm just excited!
*7th grade football is here. Happy Joe got on the turf and even had a great tackle!
*10th grade for Jack. Golf for Jack. So many great things.
*new software at work. Gonna be great but always overwhelming learning a new system.
*Hoover football, Alabama football....just a lot of fun football!!
*Bikram yoga,
*eating healthy! keep eating healthy
*Biggest thought recently is who do I want to be as I move through my 40's? What do I want to look like. What does a 40 something look like?
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Made it to the 6:30 Bikram class after hauling Ralph and Owen to Hope for their boarding time. Class was fairly full, I was tired from working all day but I was determined to have a great class. And, I did! I went in with a super cute french braid and came out looking like a hot mess, literally, a hot mess! Best pose for today was standing bow pulling pose, worst pose for today was fixed firm pose. My right hip is so tight, it makes it hard to do the pose correctly. So, for me that pose is hard, I know it will get better as time goes on but in the mean time, its frustrating. We had one new student today. A girl. She did fine, didn't have to leave the room or anything but she did sit down a couple of times and she really didn't seem to go deep into the poses but I really wasn't paying attention to her too much. I heard her say in the locker room after class. "should I be sore? I don't really feel anything." I was thinking, sister, you should barely be able to walk!
I titled this post committment. This has nothing to do with Rick. I'm totally committed to him, have been for 22 years. I'm talking about committing to Bikram yoga. I've deicided to committ to it for at least 6 months. By committing I mean, purchasing a monthly package and going at least 3x a week. I loved the way it really changed my body inside and out when I was doing it regularly during the winter and spring. I am going this evening and this will be my 3rd time this week. I won't be able to go until Monday again but thats okay. There is something crazy great about this yoga practice. It is so hard and at the end of the class, I cannot imagine going ever again but as a few hours pass, I'm thinking that it is so awesome! We'll see, I'm going to post about it a couple of times a week and keep track of the journey. I'll also post about the Loverly Lev life too but that gets boring. I think people get tired of reading that I love my kids and I'm proud of them. I don't have to blog it for it to be true. I'm too busy for that! But we do have exciting times coming up here and I'll for sure tell all about them!
It's never too late, it's never too bad, you're never too old, your never too sick to start from the scratch once again, to be born once again. Bikram Choudhury
It's never too late, it's never too bad, you're never too old, your never too sick to start from the scratch once again, to be born once again. Bikram Choudhury
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
I haven't posted in a month! HOly Cow! We've been so busy here, I feel like I'm twirling, twirling twirling around! We had a great time at the beach even with dumb Debby downer. Kate and Alex turned around less than 24 hours later and headed to Gulf Shores with the MOrtons. Rick and kids flew to MI yesterday, I'm flying on Thursday to meet them. I had a great birthday, did the pool thing, did the burger thing, didn't do the fireworks thing b/c I was sleepy and in bed by 9! Kate and I have been shopping for her dorm. We found the cutest chair EVER!!! at one of our favorite shops. I'm might have to go back and buy the other one for the house. All her sorority info has been mailed to people writing her recs and she is building her wardrobe for rush. She is super excited and so am I. Jack is jazzed about being in MI for the week. All he can think about is playing golf! When he comes home he has 2 golf tournaments. Joe is just cool Joe. I'm ready to get that child back on a good sleeping schedule. xbox live is evil! Saw coach Briz and coach Watson yesterday, I think coach Briz is going to be a great coach for our 7th grade boys. With the fam out of town I was able to go to Bikram yesterday right after work. I've decided to commit to this yoga practice for six months. So that means buying a monthly package and throwing away my ghetto, dog chewed, yucky pink yoga mat. Lululemon here I come! I'm excited to actually see if 6 months of hot sweaty Bikram three times a week will change my body. I love it, its not for everyone but I think everyone should at least try it.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Montevallo!!!! Here comes KK!
The University of Montevallo!
In October of 1896, the Alabama Girls’ Industrial School opened its doors to some 150 young women from all parts of the state. They had come to participate in a great experiment, in an innovation in education for Alabama. They had come to be trained as teachers, bookkeepers, artists, musicians, dressmakers, telegraphers and milliners. In other words, at last, there was a school in Alabama whose purpose was to educate women to be self-supporting; at last, here was an opportunity to escape from the drudgery of field work, mill work or from the ignominy of depending on a father or brother for lifelong support if there was no husband. At last, here was an opportunity for young women to expand their minds and dreams in a state, poverty-stricken by economic circumstances, that could provide little public education for its citizens.
The school had its beginnings with the dream of Julia Tutwiler, a proponent of education for women, and the vision of Senator Solomon Bloch, who introduced the bill in the Alabama Legislature establishing the school. On October 12, 1896, their efforts — and the efforts of scores of townspeople and other advocates — bore fruit with the opening of the school on that crisp fall day.
The first president was Captain Henry Clay Reynolds, one of the principal proponents who campaigned for the selection of Montevallo as the site of the new school. Eight teachers comprised the first faculty.
Construction of a dormitory was obviously a primary concern. The west wing of Main Dormitory was begun almost as soon as the school opened, according to Mary Frances Tipton’s history, Years Rich and Fruitful: University of Montevallo 1896-1996. The dormitory was ready for occupancy by the fall of 1897.
During the early years, enrollment steadily increased. By 1899, more than 400 young women were enrolled. Several years later, purple and gold were adopted as the school colors, and the first yearbook was published. In 1908, student Condie Cunningham died in a dormitory fire, giving rise to one of Montevallo’s most-famous ghosts.
In 1911 AGIS became Alabama Girls’ Technical Institute. The phrase “and College for Women” was added in 1919. The Class of 1919 observed that “now that our school is becoming a college, we have begun to take up college stunts,” and College Night began on March 3. High school courses were gradually phased out and, in 1923, the school became Alabama College, State College for Women, a degree-granting institution.
Alabama College introduced the instruction of home economics to the state and for many years was the only institution offering such training. The college pioneered the fields of vocational home economics, retail home economics and institutional management, and Alabama College graduates helped initiate home economics programs at Auburn University and the University of Alabama.
Teacher training at the college developed because of student demand rather than the specific intention of the AC administration. Thomas Waverly Palmer, who assumed the college presidency in 1907, was lukewarm at best about teacher training. He was surprised that demand for industrial courses such as telegraphy was decreasing while the number of students interested in teacher training was rising.
However, Palmer had decided by 1910 that his school was the best place to provide teacher training, and the program has blossomed ever since. Alabama College pioneered teacher education in art, music, physical education and commercial subjects, as well as in home economics. When the town of Montevallo built a public school in what is now Jeter Hall, education students used it as a training school. This town-and-gown cooperation continues to flourish today.
The social work department was created by a similar need and with the close cooperation of Shelby County. At the time Alabama College’s social work department was founded in 1925, only the University of North Carolina offered such a program. Alabama College was also the first in the state to offer a speech correction curriculum, and it opened the first speech clinic. The result today is the George C. Wallace Speech and Hearing Center on campus.
Student expression has been encouraged on this campus since its inception. The first yearbook, The Chiaroscuro, was published in 1907, and the first student production of a full-length play, Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, was performed a year later. The yearbook became the Technala in 1911 and took its present name, the Montage, in 1940.
The first student newspaper, the Van Guard, was published in 1922, and the first edition of The Alabamian appeared on September 15, 1925. That same year, the speech department, offering courses in rhetoric, oral interpretation and theatre, became the first of its kind in the state. The Drama Festival, started by Dr. Walter H. Trumbauer, was established in 1928, and Alabama College’s first radio broadcast on WAPI occurred on May 1, 1929. The campus radio station, WRSD, began broadcasting on May 15, 1950.
For 60 years, student expression had a decidedly feminine perspective at Montevallo, but in January 1956 that began to change. Backed by Alabama College’s board of trustees, administration, faculty, alumnae association and eventually the student body, the state legislature passed a bill on January 15, dropping the designation “State College for Women” and enabling the college to admit male students.
Two men enrolled at Alabama College in January 1956. By September there were 35 men on campus, and a new era had begun. Seven years later total enrollment had tripled, and more than 40 percent of the students were men. The first men were housed in the west wing of Main Hall until Napier Hall was completed in April 1957.
The curriculum changed to embrace additions to the traditional courses of study, such as pre-professional programs in medicine and law and business administration. The first male physical education faculty member was hired in 1956, and intercollegiate baseball and men’s tennis teams were organized a year later. Cross-country track and basketball followed. In 1964, Alabama College offered basketball scholarships, the first athletic grants in the history of the college.
Just two years after the first men were admitted, a male was elected president of the Student Government Association, but male leadership in College Night activities took a little longer. The first male assistant Gold leader was elected in 1960. In 1963, co-leaders of each sex were elected, a tradition that continues today.
Another milestone in the history of the institution occurred on September 1, 1969, when Alabama College became the University of Montevallo. The University includes four distinct colleges: Arts and Sciences, Education, Business and Fine Arts.
In 1978, following a formal study, a mission statement was adopted by the university. Unparalleled among public universities in Alabama, Montevallo’s current mission statement was legislated by the Alabama Legislature in 1979. That mission was reaffirmed in 1984 and again in 1988. In addition, a reaffirmation of the mission was included as part of the Second Century Commission’s report. Montevallo’s mission is “to provide students from throughout the state an affordable, geographically accessible, ‘small-college’ public higher educational experience of high quality, with a strong emphasis on undergraduate liberal studies and with professional programs supported by a broad base of arts and sciences, designed for their intellectual and personal growth in the pursuit of meaningful employment and responsible, informed citizenship.”
Since Montevallo grew to University status from a state college of liberal arts, it retains a strong emphasis on liberal education, embodied in its core curriculum. Montevallo remains dedicated primarily to the teaching of undergraduates, while offering a few select graduate programs.
In 1995, Montevallo was invited to join the prestigious Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges, a consortium of 26 institutions that share a commitment to undergraduate liberal arts education, high achievement by students, high retention and graduation rates and high levels of placement in graduate and professional schools.
Today, undergraduate programs are offered in more than 70 academic areas, but the full-time student-to-faculty ratio is only 17-to-1. Members of the faculty come from prestigious institutions from across the United States and beyond, with more than 95 percent holding either the Ph.D. or other terminal degree in their respective academic disciplines.
The University of Montevallo continues to ascend the rankings of “America’s Best Colleges,” published by U.S. News & World Report. According to rankings for the 2012 edition, UM is once again ranked as the No. 1 public master’s-level university in Alabama, a distinction it has held each year since 2008. For 2012, Montevallo is listed as the 11th best public university in the South in its division, climbing three positions from last year’s rank of 14th. Overall in the South, UM ranked 36th, up four positions from 40th last year and 23 positions from its 2007 ranking of 59th.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Summer Water
When we were in Hawaii at the Four Seasons Maui, there were several water canisters set up throughout the resort with this fabulous water. I could see that there were lemon and mint in the water so I thought I could for sure make it at home. Then, I was looking at Pinterest and came across a recipe similar. Turns out this water is so great for the skin and for every cell in the body. It's great for aiding in diegesting and helping the body get rid of toxins. I bought several herbs yesterday because I'm in a Pinterest mood and I made my own water. The Pinterest recipe called for cucumbers so I added those. The taste is subtle and refreshing. It doesn't taste exactly like the one at the four seasons. I am going to have to dig for that recipe but it's close and I love the benefits it provides! Adding mint to the diet helps with digestion, relieving headaches, bacteria and fungus. chewing on mint leaves can help whiten teeth and clear up bad breath. Lemon is a natural diuretic and helps with bloat. This will be a staple in my fridge through out the summer and fall!
Lemon, Mint and cucs!
Joyful Momma's Kitchen: Layered Enchilada Casserole (Freezer Meal)
Joyful Momma's Kitchen: Layered Enchilada Casserole (Freezer Meal): I make my freezer meals 2 ways. One way is to just make them all in a 2 day process. Compile my list, shop, and do meat prep. Then the ne...
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Summer's always busy
Well, we are well under way and in the throw's of summer here at the Leventrys. Jack spent the week in Auburn at his first golf camp. He loved it and actually golfed several great games. We are very proud of his drive and determination. Now, if we can channel that drive and determination to math, that would be great but considering the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, that is a lofty goal for us. I worked this week, all three days and I still love seeing everyone that comes into the office. I was telling a friend that I feel like I"m entertaining when I'm there. We have this fabulous gourmet coffee machine and I love offering the parents coffee. I have to remind myself that its an office and when mom, a friend of mine is sitting back in the clinic with "JOhnny" I can't just run in there and say ,"Oh did you hear such and such?" haha. Kate took this week to update her resume for rush and she found one of her senior pics to put with it. We have a friend who really loves Kate and she wanted to take her resume to the Chi Omega meeting last week. Kate is very excited and I know what ever soroity she ends up in, she'll be happy. Kate is truly enjoying this summer, just hanging out with people that were never in her core group at school. Kids have grown up and it is so great that they can see each other in a new light. Not the cliquey, high school way anymore. This is the time when you learn who is loyal and who will be there. I'm very excited for Joe to start back with football work outs. I'm sure he isn't so excited as it is super early but I love that it keeps him on a schedule and he is doing something worthwhile. Ohh, Almost forgot to note that Rick and I went to the Highlands Bar and Grill this past week. It was very yummy and I had never been there before. I had heard so much about it and how fabulous it is and blah blah blah but I have to say that even though everything I ate was wonderful, I was still hungry when we left. I had the Mississippi red fish and it was really good but I would have liked a good salad with it or a potato or something. LIke, I would have even paid for the salad but there wasn't one on the menu. So, it was fun and fab but we'll stick with our usual hangouts in our bubble. You know, The Boot, Beefs, Bob's. I did sort of fee like there should have been some jazz music or some Frank Sinatra playing. There is a fabulous old energy in the Highlands building.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Chef Mommy: Pork Tenderloin with Pan Sauce
Chef Mommy: Pork Tenderloin with Pan Sauce: This recipe is not new to the blog. I posted it about 2 years ago but it definitely warrants a re-post and an updated picture.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Finally had a chance to make it to yoga in the evening yesterday. I am loving my summer schedule of getting off work at 4. I picked up the Ral at the groomers and came home and even took a quick nap before heading over the the Bikram studio. I almost didn't go but I made myself. I hated the leggings I wore and I hated the cami I wore. They didn't work together and hit in the wrong places and thus making it awful to look at myself in the mirror. With that being said, I managed to have a great class. I always feel sad for people when it's their first Bikram class. They're so excited to try this new to them yoga. But, what they don't know is that it is so so so hard! I wonder if anyone felt like that when I had my first class. Even though it is crazy hard and each class even though it's the same, it is never truly the same. A friend asked me if she'll ever like it. I told her probably not but loving the benefits of Bikram always gets us back to class. 90 min. of hot hot yoga isn't for everyone but it is for me and everyone should at least try it even if I will be feeling sad for you and your first class.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
I have one working in Iowa City
One planning to float her booty down the Cahaba
One working hard at golf camp at Auburn
One at a sleepover with a friend
It's summer!
Matthew 24:32
From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
new babies
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Moving on from chicken...
So, it's been about six weeks since I last posted! It was April 21st and it's time we move on from the chicken recipe. I don't even remember making the chicken. I've been going 90 to nothing the past six weeks. Well, really since spring break which was in March. New job is going great, Hawaii was wonderful. I didn't take my computer, I didn't check facebook or the news or twitter or blogs. It was fabulous to just hang out and enjoy Maui. We celebrated Kate's graduation last week. Mom, Dad, Abbie, Lauren and Rick's parents all came in for it. We took up a whole row for the very organized and efficient ceremony at UAB. Our little party on Friday was a success and it was fun sharing Kate's accomplishment with friends and family. Having Lauren here was truly the icing on the cake! I know Kate was so sad to see everyone go as I was too. So, with all of that happening, Jack finished freshman year with good grades and Joe finished 6th grade with good grades. Spring football training is over. I'm not sure how many kids ended up dropping out but I have a feeling that all the running they did was meant to weed the kids out. This class has had a record number of boys go out for football. Summer practices start in two weeks. Kate has been purchasing items for her dorm. She and Anna are going shopping soon to buy things for their bathroom. She recieved lots of fun gifts for her room. I know she is excited to put it all together. Orientation is coming up soon, I'm sure she'll rock it and be the best incoming freshman there haha totally kidding! really. I'm kidding! It's just orientation for petes sake. I'm excited to see what classes she'll be taking and her major is right up my ally! Jack leaves Tues for a three day golf camp at Auburn. This kind of popped up fast, but I think it's going to be a great experience for him. He has really improved his golf game and I know he'll take it seriously. I'm also excited for him to visit Auburn and to be on the campus. Rick and I are Alabama fans through and through but I know Auburn is a wonderful school and its fun for the kids to experience a visit like this one. I was happy to be back at bootcamp yesterday. I loved seeing all my bootcamp friends! Tatum's workouts are so hard but so good. I made it to Bikram this morning and it was so great. I think it was hotter than usual in the room. I've been more diligent about getting my protein shake in after my work out and having a healthy veggie tray in the fridge has been so great for all of us. Easy Peasy veggies! I'm hoping to settle into summer and enjoy lots of sunny days sitting by the pool!
One major question everyone has asked me is...
Did you cry? Umm, nope. I didn't cry. I was a little teary when the child with ALS was on stage getting his diploma. But I was excited for Kate and so happy Rick and I successfully raised a child to be 18.
One major question everyone has asked me is...
Did you cry? Umm, nope. I didn't cry. I was a little teary when the child with ALS was on stage getting his diploma. But I was excited for Kate and so happy Rick and I successfully raised a child to be 18.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Greek Chicken Recipe
.5cup evoo
.3 cup fresh lemon juice
1tsp lemon zest
1tsp greek seasoning
1tsp poultry seasoning
1tsp dried oregeno
black pepper to taste
put chicken in single layer in a zip lock bag. combine marinade ingredients and pour over chicken. marinate 6-8 hours or all day in fridge. preheat grill to med. heat, grill chicken 20 to 25 min.
Catching You Up!
It's been a while since I last posted. It's been a little crazy here at the Leventrys. Hoover's prom was last weekend and it was Kate's last dance. It was so great! She asked me to chaperone the after party at the lake and it was so much fun. The kids were fabulous and the moms had fun too. It's clear, they're growing up. I'm happy that she was with her best friends and it was great. I finally crawled in bed at 4am along with the other moms. Most of the kids were asleep and we left the other ones to wind down. We were up again at 8. I was exhausted! It was a beautiful weekend and we had fun hanging out on the lake and just relaxing. Kate's 18th birthday was on the 15th and I proceeded to eat half a cake! It was the best cake I've ever had and I've had a lot of cakes. Along with prom and Kate turning 18, I started a new job at an orthodontist office. So far so good. My hours are great and the girls in the office are great too. Its not easy going into a set group of girls. I love seeing people I know throughout the day. I'm getting the hang of answering the phone and scheduling people. I have a new found respect for the receptionist! Rick and I jet setted over to Atlanta last night for dinner with his GA team. I joke about this because we really don't jet set anywhere. I mean, we don't leave our 4 mile radius bubble to go out to eat. We ate at Empire State South. I wasn't thrilled with the menu but the restaurant was quaint and I enjoyed meeting a couple of the team's spouses. Two of which we'll be in Hawaii with us next week. I'm gearing up for our big trip. I broke down and bought new Bobbi Brown make up. Ahh, what a difference good make up makes. I love it! I'm getting my hair done on Friday. I've scheduled a mani and pedi at the Four Season's Spa when we're in Maui so I'm going to do my own nails here. Jack's making the most of the last few weeks of school. He's been practicing golf and working hard on his school work. Kate is so done with school she can barely stand it! Joe is working hard with football workouts and just having fun being 12 years old! He's excited for the big field trip to the middle school on Monday. Lauren turns 24 today. I can't believe it's been 24 years since I had her! My goal this week is to finish Kate's announcements and have them in the mailbox on Sat. We're getting excited for graduation and for our family to visit.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Kate's graduation announcements came yesterday in the mail. They are so great! One more thing to check off the list. Cap and Gown money is due this week and Kate is busy with friends finalizing prom plans. We all had a tough week adjusting from our beach trip. Joe had early morning workouts Monday and Thursday. Good thing he's a runner b/c I think they did a lot of sprints. He said he threw up on Thursday. Poor guy. I was able to get back to the Bikram studio yesterday. I'm definitely sore this morning and I can feel where I worked hard. It felt good to get back. I ran five miles on Thursday. I think I'm really going to enjoy being home Thursday and Friday. It's been years since I"ve had those two days off in a row. I will have to be disciplined and do my bootcamp work out by myself. Maybe I can convince Rick to do it. I just don't think I'll be able to rush to the highschool after work to work out. I'm not sure I get to leave at exactly 4:30. I will be sad to not see my work out friends.
Today, Jack is helping a friend complete his eagle scout project and then he has a golf lesson. Not sure what the rest of family is doing. I know I'll be outside pulling weeds as we have a lot of work to do around here before everyone comes for graduation!
Today, Jack is helping a friend complete his eagle scout project and then he has a golf lesson. Not sure what the rest of family is doing. I know I'll be outside pulling weeds as we have a lot of work to do around here before everyone comes for graduation!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
It's Okay
It's Okay
it's okay to use purple text color because it is Lent!
it's okay to take a little time and actually post on this blog. I don't have to work today so I have a few min.
it's okay that Kate didn't want the ten picture graduation announcement. the ones' we ordered from Etsy are going to be fabulous!
it's okay to let Jack stay home today, I mean he has to have a needle stuck in his throat this afternoon. Poor guy..
it's okay to buy all my dresses for summer and Hawaii off ebay. They're all awesome and I'm saving tons of cash!
it's okay to laugh at the prom drama. I love that this is the last one and Kate is in such a great place!
it's okay to block people on twitter. no stalking for you!
it's okay to be a little sassy sometimes...refer to previous it's okay.
it's okay to be a little sassy sometimes...refer to previous it's okay.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Prayer for Wed.
Lord, You know me better than I know myself. I was reminded last night to consult you in my plans, all plans. I ask that you guide me through this day with the love and grace only you know. Please help me not to judge others as you know my heart can be a little grouchy at times. When I'm feeling overwhelmed and restless, remind me that you too felt that way during this time before palm Sunday and out of your death came something so wonderful. Bless my family and friends and I pray that they are all safe and protected. I know you will provide me with everything I need. Help me listen to you. Thank you for every single blessing in my life!
Last nights bible study was really really good! God knows everything, He loves all of us, and that to me is so overwhelming and huge! We can have maybe 2 best friends, God has billions! But, he loves every one of us and He really does want us to consult Him before we do anything. I don't have time to blog about everything, hopefully, I can write it down later. Scripture is important. My goal is to really learn it. It won't be easy but I will try!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
My Favorite Irish Blessing!
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
Friday, March 16, 2012
Maui Hotels - Grand Wailea Resort- Maui Resorts, Reservations, Vacations, Getaways
Maui Hotels - Grand Wailea Resort- Maui Resorts, Reservations, Vacations, Getaways
One thing we've learned over the years of being blessed with incentive trips is it's best to go a couple days early! I remember when we went to Paris, Joe was 4 months old, we had Kate and Jack and at home and we had no money so we couldn't go early and wow, it was rough. The jet lag makes it tough to jump right into a jam packed trip. So, last year we went to Kona a couple days early and it was so great to ease into the trip. This year, we are doing the same thing. Rick booked us two nights at the Waldorf Astoria on Maui. This place looks amazing! I will be parking my self by one of the beautiful pools!
One thing we've learned over the years of being blessed with incentive trips is it's best to go a couple days early! I remember when we went to Paris, Joe was 4 months old, we had Kate and Jack and at home and we had no money so we couldn't go early and wow, it was rough. The jet lag makes it tough to jump right into a jam packed trip. So, last year we went to Kona a couple days early and it was so great to ease into the trip. This year, we are doing the same thing. Rick booked us two nights at the Waldorf Astoria on Maui. This place looks amazing! I will be parking my self by one of the beautiful pools!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Another Gold Cup!
Found out last night, Rick and four reps of his qualified for the Maui trip! The only trip his company offers. NO other manager in Alabama has done this, qualified two years in a row! Yay! So excited. I'm not doing any zip linging, snorkeling, hiking...You'll find me at the spa every single day! Cannot wait! Here are some pics of the Four Season Maui. I love the Four Seasons! Last year we were on Kona, which is on the other side of that mountain. I'm excited to see what Maui has to offer!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Oh Goodness...Hollywood
I finished reading the book Full Service by Scotty Bowers. I was thumbing through a People magazine and saw it in there. I thought, oh goodness, this is such a crazy trashy book I have to read it. I bought it and downloaded on my Kindle. Well, yep, it is has some super crazy wild trashy stories in it. I mean, really ridiculous but I have to say, this guy, the author was actually a very caring guy. In a strange way, he was loyal to his loved ones til the end. But, wow, makes me really wonder what goes on in Hollywood where everyone out there knows everything but the rest of us don't. I don't think I want to know but I'm sure in 30 years or so someone will write a book telling all about all today's celebs. Anyway, I'm way too conservative to agree with any of his behavior. It's not necessary and honestly its not healthy but it was interesting. I have to finish my other book, What America was like in 1776, that's a little more my speed however the older I get the more I learn that there is always some kind of craziness going on and there always has been.
Trying new foods! Well, new recipes at least.
I'm finally using some of the recipes I've saved over the past several months. This morning I made the french toast muffins. I found it more of a pain with the way my kitchen is set up than anything to make these. But just when I think, "ugh, I wish I had a really huge kitchen with a great working flow", I think of people who don't have what I have and people who might have less than that. So, I made the muffins, they are really yummy. I ended up freezing most of them for the week but that's okay. They'll be really good in the microwave with butter and syrup on them for breakfast. Also, I am making the crock pot mashed potatoes. They're going to be so yummy on the hamburger casserole we're having tonight.
Yesterday was beautiful. I ended up running in the afternoon and even got some sun while doing it. Honestly, I think the Bikram yoga is really helping with my stamina and running. Lord knows I'm not a natural runner but I can manage hills and run for a good 45 min. w/o being tired. Hot and sweaty, yes but tired no. So, I probably should look into increasing my distance. I managed to get the grocery shopping out of the way after my run. I went to PUblix armed and ready to buy all the bogo's I wanted and I had my weekly menu with my list in hand which always makes it so much easier for me. I spent a lot less money that way too. Jack had a great day on the golf course. The sun kissed him too. He was exhausted when he came home from the Highlands. Joe had fun hanging with Cherryn and her family. Kate was home fairly early. Joe is back with Cherryn and family, Jack is rummaging through the pantry and Kate is shopping for spring break stuff with Alex! We are eager to get our toes in the sand. We're praying for sunny warm days in Destin!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Gabbing like a Girl
I'm so excited because it is beautiful outside today! Mid week the weather people were saying rain on Friday and Sunday but not its nice and its going to warm up a little which is fabulous! Speaking of warm, I went to my usual class at Bikram Yoga yesterday. Holy hot yoga, it was sooo warm in there. I mean, yes, it is hot yoga and I know that and I love that but it was extra warm. I usually don't have issue with the heat but I did yesterday. I saw a couple of stars at one point after a back bend. I made it through the whole class but it was a tough one. Rick took me to lunch and then I took the kids to their prospective get togethers, came home and I chilled in the man cave with Rick. We watched Gold Rush and he watched mud cats. Ugh, that show just grosses me out. Seriously, what is so fun about submerging yourself in gross river water and catching a cat fish. I don't get it. Blech! So, I went upstairs and read my incredibley trashy book called Full Service. I saw it in People magazine and I was intrigued simply because I cannot imagine living a lifestyle like Scotty did. He really had no morals, it baffles me. And, it is amazing that even back in the 30's and 40's and 50's hollywood was pretty much the same way. So, today Jack is golfing at the highlands, Kate is going to be home later, not sure what she is doing and Joe is going to Gadsden to watch Cherryn ice skate. I'm going to run and work out and hopefully get some things done around here. I need to go to the grocery store too. Spring break is coming up! I'm getting excited for JJ and Lauren to be here. Yay!!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Favorite's on Friday
First of all, Friday is just fabulous all by itself which makes it the perfect day to reflect on some of my favorites from the week! Maybe you too will find some inspiration in my favorites.
Two super cute kids!
Need I say more? I don't think so!
I'm thinking I need to make this for our beach trip. Maybe add some aloe for soothing our sensitive skin.
TmL Designs on the farm youth set. One of my fav's.
"Do you have a hard time believing in God's miracles? The fact that you are in existance is proof of one."
Robert Ripper
Favorite quote of the day.
I love reading about how America used to be. It's really neat for me to see how we got to where we are today!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
It's Okay Thursday
It's okay to ditch the diet and go to Beef O'bradys tonight. I"ve done so great all week long!
It's okay that I didn't run before spin today. I can run tomorrow before yoga.
It's okay that Kate spent the extra money on over night shipping from JCrew for her swim suits because they fit great!
It's okay to be super sad that the sweet neighbors across the street are selling their house. I will miss them.
It's okay that I'm not buying anything new to wear this year for spring break. Who really looks at me anyway!
It's okay that I'm really happiest when we're in a drought. I hate rain! I probably should live in the desert.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Kale Chips are all the rage!
Lauren had been making these for a while before I tried them. I was skeptical. I am not a huge kale fan but I am sort of a health nut and I'm always up for a new fun healthy snack so I finally made kale chips. I couldn't find the bunch of kale in the produce but Publix has a huge bag of it next to the collard greens. I made them when I got home today and I really liked them. I even put them on top of my sweet potato. My Pampered Chef olive oil spray thingy is so great for this too. Let me know what you think. You can play around with the seasoning too. I used sea salt. You can probably do whatever you want, maybe even add some Parmesan.
•3-4 bunches of kale ripped into pieces. If you buy the kale in the bag, you don't need to rip the kale.
•wash and dry. drizzle with olive oil and salt and mix with your hands to coat.
•lay on cookie sheet with space in between each piece and sprinkle a little more salt.
•bake at 300°F for around 15-20 minutes until crispy. The drier you get them the better.
•3-4 bunches of kale ripped into pieces. If you buy the kale in the bag, you don't need to rip the kale.
•wash and dry. drizzle with olive oil and salt and mix with your hands to coat.
•lay on cookie sheet with space in between each piece and sprinkle a little more salt.
•bake at 300°F for around 15-20 minutes until crispy. The drier you get them the better.
Big Announcement: The FoodLife Project
Big Announcement: The FoodLife Project
My Bikram and Twitter friend has some very exciting news on her site! check it out. It might be something you're interested in. She is truly inspiring!
My Bikram and Twitter friend has some very exciting news on her site! check it out. It might be something you're interested in. She is truly inspiring!
Prayer for Hump Day
I know your love is abundant,
For it surrounds me on all sides,
Why am I not able to see or feel that love,
... Why do I have so many doubts,
Unable to place my trust in You or anyone?
Lord, open my eyes so I may see,
Strengthen me with your grace to overcome my fears,
Help me to let go and take that step of faith,
So I humbly kneel before you, seeking your forgiveness,
Lead me in all things, Amen
Tom Seibert
For it surrounds me on all sides,
Why am I not able to see or feel that love,
... Why do I have so many doubts,
Unable to place my trust in You or anyone?
Lord, open my eyes so I may see,
Strengthen me with your grace to overcome my fears,
Help me to let go and take that step of faith,
So I humbly kneel before you, seeking your forgiveness,
Lead me in all things, Amen
Tom Seibert
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