Friday, March 14, 2008

Well, Hoover hopping with people packing and getting ready to go to the beach! I checked kate and her friend out this afternoon from school and the front office was a buzz with lots of check outs. It has turned out to be a nice day after a morning of rain. Jack will be home soon from Dauphin Island. Anyway, just thought I'd say hey.


Valerie said...

hope Jack had fun!
did you see T getting checked out??
She's in Pensacola w/ M.E.
We made it to Ft. Myers around 8 PM our time (I never change my watch when I travel). We hit a lot of rain and a LOT of traffic!

A Year In The Life said...


I didn't see T checking out yesterday. Saw, Brookely and Allie though. Jack's bus broke down twice and he didn't get home til 8:30pm. ugh! i'm happy to have him back.