Monday, December 17, 2007

Party Day!

I'm leaving in a min. to go to Jack's Christmas breakfast party. I love that they're doing a breakfast, that insures the kids eat something yummy and they'll be good to go for the day. Good thinking Mrs. Summerlin. :) After the party I'm headed to the art store to buy some glazing supplies. I always love going to the art store, I could spend hours in there! Sort of like mom and the fabric store. Kate is in the midst of exams, Joe is just ready to be out of school. He said he couldn't go today b/c his eyes hurt. what in the world? He is such the baby! This is a busy week but I've decided to just tackle it in block sections. I'm not going to look too far ahead otherwise I just get overwhelmed. I'll bring my camera to jack's party for pictures.


Cathy said...

Oh my Joseph. He is the baby, his eyes the morning he couldn't go to school because he was sick and then found out they were having donuts!! I think Jerry Metz may have been like that..what a busy week, take your vitamins and have fun!

Unknown said...

hay joe, buck up, you the man. hay trace sounds like you are super busy .dont forget how we eat an elephant, one bite at a time. things will get done.

A Year In The Life said...

Dad, when you say that comment about the elephant, we always say, but we don't eat elephants! lol

i think joe is very much like jerry metz.. jerry turned out great so there is hope for my joe joe.:)