Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday Morning

Hello! Well, as you all know, I'm not a Sunday person. I'm probably the only one that is happy it's Monday. lol. Anyway, kids are off to school. I took them this morning and as usual Kate was mad at me for some ridiculous reason but she mellowed out once we dropped the boys off. She informed me she is going to Auburn and not Alabama because it is just that much farther away from us. haha. I'm sure she'll change her mind by the time she is 18, or maybe not, we'll see. Anyway, today, I really am going to tackle the laundry. It is all clean, just in baskets and I need to fold it! I've been in a creative mode recently. I've been painting Christmas designs for coasters and barretts. I need to order more bisque! Any special orders for Christmas let me know! ;) Hope you all have a wonderful day and dad, don't wear mom out with allegany. lol.


Valerie said...

Why does Ralphie look so sad? He needs a playdate w/ Buddy! Ha! Ha! Had a WONDERFUL day @ school today. The one little boy who is still having a hard time settling in was absent today. It made all the difference in the world. No one there to get the other kids riled up! We actually did 2 crafts (virtually unheard of in the 18-month old room!) and managed in a little circle time!

A Year In The Life said...

wow. i'm impressed! that is great. whip those kids into shape. lol.