Monday, October 29, 2007

Manic Monday

Hi. Joe's filling was easy breezy. He actually said it was fun to have his cavity filled. What?? I think they should make it a little more painful. I love our dentist's office. It is a pediatric office and it is bright and cheerful and we are in and out! Everyone is very friendly which is nice especially when you're dealing with children.

Kate and I ran/walked the neighborhood again. It would be great if we can do that every night.

Rick forgot Joe at the ball park. He totally forgot him. Had to turn around and get him. Thankfully, there were people we knew still there. He feels so bad! Must be the 3rd child syndrome.


abbie said...

he forgot joe!!! haha!!

SHORTKIDS3 said...

love going taking the kids to their great and cheery in their...glad it went smooth!!

Valerie said...

poor joe!

Valerie said...

poor joe!

Jayne said...

poor joe joe. i can totally relate being the third child and all. it really does happen though, i totally forgot about Holly last week.