Thursday, July 26, 2007

i just have one question, WHY?

Okay, here's the deal. Last May, at the end of the year, parents had the option of purchasing through the school a bundled pack of school supplies for the next year. Yeah! I was all about that, I did it in Indianapolis and it was wonderful. I sent a check for $70.00 with my very responsible daughter. All she had to do was give it to her home room teacher and then we'd be set for the next year! Whoo hoo, no school supply shopping for me at least for kate's things. Today was registration at her school, always very fun. We get to see friends, and she can see who is on her hall and in her homeroom. I told her to go to room 109 and pick up her bundled pack of supplies. I met up with her in the cafeteria where I was happily writing out my 150.00 check for her fees. I asked her where her supplies were and she handed me a pretty pink sheet containing the list of things for 8th graders. Kate never turned her check in so that means I have to go shopping for her supplies! UGh! Seriously. What in the world.. Next year, she'll be in high school so I'm not sure how all that works, but you can bet that I'll be walking Jack's supply list in myself and handing it to our wonderful school secretary. ;)


SHORTKIDS3 said...

so, the real question is...where is the check??!! Oh kate...what are we gonna do with you??!!

SHORTKIDS3 said...


Valerie said...

How come my registration check was for $214? I bought T-bone a t-shirt but we didn't buy any book covers. Registration was fun but I was exhausted! Didn't sleep again last night (what else is new??) and I didn't have any lunch. I had the shakes really bad by the time I got out of there. I wish SSC did the pre-packaged supplies; I hate going to Wal-nart for KJ's stuff!