Okay, today, Sunday wasn't so bad. It was a beautiful summer day, nice and hot and unfortunately for us, not a cloud in the sky. I did some laundry, painted an old metal bucket for Jack's room, walked 3 miles with Rick and Kate and I went to church. This week is our church's VBS. I think kate is going to work it as a teen helper and Joe is going to go. It should be fun. Well, fun for them, not for me as I have to get up and take them. Mom, Dad, Jayne, Abbie and Sara Mae will be here on Friday! Whoo hoo. Can't wait til they pull in the drive..... Maybe you can for old times sake, rent a green hornet and bring it down.. haha.
a green hornet filled with kids and food, what fun that was!!
at least if we over heated in dothan, we could call our friends jason or joe.
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